Life & Style talks business

MANILA, Philippines - What do Jennifer Sevilla, January Isaac and Jeffrey Hidalgo have in common? Let Q-11’s Life and Style With Ricky Reyes give you the answer tomorrow, 10 a.m.

Jennifer is in the wig and hair extension business. January sells healthy cereal products. Jeffrey, on the other hand, indulges in laundry soap and dish washing liquid. Host-producer Ricky Reyes discusses with his guests the joys and pains of a struggling entrepreneur.

On Tesda Bida, the story of an unemployed housewife-turned-canteen manager Arlene Pomejanong will be featured while on WE (Women Empowerment) hosted by Mayor Marides Fernando will dramatize the long, hard climb to success of fashion designer Josie Maik.

The Hair Record caravan goes to Northern and Southern Luzon to look for contenders in the Fastest Hair Cut; the unsurpassed record still remains with an Ilonggo who did 195 hair cuts in three hours.

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