Mr. & Ms. Sexy Body 2009 winners

MANILA, Philippines - The grand finals of the Mr. & Ms. Sexy Body came to a close at the Entertainment Center Phase 3 of Sta. Lucia East Grand Mall.

Emerging   grand winners are Kriska Gonido who also won as Ms. Sexiest Smile (Photogenic) and Rei Hernandez, who was also adjudged Mr. Sexiest in Swim Wear.

First runners-up: Marc-Anne Ogalesco and Josh Bustillo.

Second Runners-up: Meljoy Francisco and Yon Fronda.    

Mr. & Ms. Sexy Body 2009 is presented by Jockey, Hygeia, Thunderbird Resorts, BNY Hip Shop, Accel, Brick Road Fitness, Aspen Spas, Gemini Photo, Informatics International College, swimwear by Ronnie Reyes Collection, Car XXXes, World Balance, ELOV Chinese Drug Store, Melisse Fashion Accessories, Everything 100, and

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