Mr. & Ms. Sexy Body 2009

Twenty-seven hunks and sexy babes vie for the title Mr. & Ms. Sexy Body 2009.   The grand finals, directed by Richard Gavin, is tonight at 8 at The Brick Road, East Wing Carpark of Sta. Lucia East Grand Mall. 

The finalists will flaunt their sexy bodies and model sexy swimwear to an expected full house with performances by Luke Mejares, Princess Ryan and LXD.

Find out who will bring home the title and over P50,000.00 worth of cash, gift certificates and other prizes.        

The contest is co-presented by Jockey, Hygeia, Thunderbird Resorts, ELOV Chinese Drug Store, Everything 100, Melisse Fashion Accessories, World Balance, BNY Hip Shop, Accel, Brick Road Fitness, Aspen Spas, swimwear by Ronnie Reyes, Gemini Photo, Informatics International College, Car XXXes, Arthur Kho and

The finalists are Meljoy Francisco, Diana Jane Catacutan, Geraldine Francisco, Diane Marie Camu, Marc-Anne Ogalesco, Kriska Gonido, Andrea Ortega, Terri Lynn Bivins, Lyka Sta. Ana, Ralyn Nicole Wakefield, Cristina Ramos, Ginger Celis, Kim Loan and Risel Fortunado; Paolo Esteban, Frederic Yabut, Trey Acuna, John Paulo Saromo, Josh Bustillos, Rei Hernandez, Patrick Lacson, Yon Fronda, Rex Melchor, Robby Cubacub, Mac Dulatre, Gilmore Navalta and Anthony Posadas.

For details, call the Ad & Promo Department at 6815401 to 11 loc. 118 or visit

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