Us Girls names nine fab people

Tonight at 8 on Studio 23, Us Girls’ 2009 fearless forecast continues with hosts Iya Villania, Chesca Garcia-Kramer, and Angel Aquino name-dropping the nine fabulous people expected to make a noise this year.

Find out which musician, actor, athlete, model, or designer will make the world go ga-ga this year on It List segment.

Get over your holiday hang-over. Get in shape in time for summer with some new exercises and activities on Fitness and Wellness.

While you’re at it, find out how to ditch your usual fast food habit with a sample of fine-dining and extraordinary cuisines on Taste Test.

It’s time to upgrade your technological finds. Have a sneak peek of the high tech phones, highly-advanced notebooks, and cool and funky music gadgets coming your way on D-Talk.

But before you leave your room to shop, learn how to make it look refreshing. Your kabarkada experts are ready to give sage advice on new arrangements to play with that will maximize space on Fab Hub.

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