A happier life for baby boomers

Did you know that a growing number among the geriatric population is greatly affected by what is termed by medical science as sexual dysfunction?

All hope, however is not lost. This has been found in the all-nature product from Norway called Potensan. It has a relatively safe and sound healthy development in the often stress-related battle against sexual dysfunction, which today, has severely taken its toll on the growing numbers of baby boomers.

Studies have revealed that the decline in health often associated with aging, can result in physical or psychological problems, which is up to 70 percent of couples, per scientific survey results.

While scientific research suggests sexual dysfunction is common (43 percent of women and 31 percent of men report some degree of difficulty), the good news here is that in most cases, said problems are indeed treatable. In fact, Potensan, Europe’s leading sexual performance supplement for couples, which has no chemicals or harmful side effects, has been noted to have been an effective and safe solution to the perennial problems encountered by couples suffering the menopause period in women, and the andropause syndrome in men.  

Potensan is available in Mercury Drug nationwide.

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