Sam Concepcion: Ambassador for children

Sam Concepcion is now World Vision’s Ambassador for Children. While juggling singing, acting and school, Sam has found another interest close to his heart — promoting education and a better life for children.

“I am thankful to World Vision for entrusting me with this title. It can become overwhelming, but it drives me to be better and strive harder. This ambassadorship is really a chance for me to bless others and do something socially relevant that can really change lives,” Sam shares.

Recently, Sam took time off his busy schedule to meet children assisted by World Vision in Cebu.

As soon as he got to Cebu, Sam and the World Vision team trekked up a mountainous road to meet children from a far-flung barangay in Sogod and the students at Pansoy Elementary School. He spent a whole day getting to know the villagers, listening to their stories and seeing their needs. Students had a wonderful time having their idol sing to them and share his own experiences as a kid.

“Being an ambassador to these children means more to me now after seeing their situation and being there to experience it first hand. I realize what a big responsibility it is and what big challenge it really is for me,” He expresses.

In the Philippines, World Vision sends over 121,000 poor children to school through its Child Sponsorship Program. It gives them a chance to learn in school and battle poverty. Their families and communities are also given life skills training to make them self-sustaining in the long run. However, millions more are left out of school and are in need of help.

Sam did not leave Cebu without inspiring the Cebuanos to help a child in need.

The following day, Sam met with media friends to share his experiences visiting a World Vision assisted community and invite the public to stand up and take action. For only P600 a month you can ensure a child’s future with education, health care, and livelihood trainings for their family. World Vision’s Child Sponsorship Program allows all these benefits to reach a poor child and hopefully change his life.

In the afternoon, Sam visited World Vision booths in Ayala Center and SM promoting Child Sponsorship and giving out leaflets to shoppers.

“I believe we serve God through what we can do. I am happy to be blessed and I want to be a blessing to others. I see the people at World Vision who run on passion doing things for others, and (they) inspire me to do the same!” Sam shares.

To every kid, Sam has this piece of advice, “One thing my parents instilled in me while growing up is that I always do things for God’s glory. Whatever you do in school or whatever dream you have, do your part in sharing to others and do everything for God, and He will put all things in place.”

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