Richard & Lucy at Omega boutique opening

Richard and Lucy Gomez recently joined Omega president Stephen Urquhart in inaugurating the second Omega boutique in the country at Greenbelt 5.

The couple accompanied Urquhart as they inaugurated the boutique and admired the wide range of Omega timepieces on display.

The highlight of the event was the presentation of the Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean watch with a special box signed by OMEGA brand ambassador George Clooney. The Seamaster Planet Ocean is a true rarity as Clooney signed only a few boxes to be featured at selected Omega events all around the world.

Lucy placed the special Omega watch in a transparent vault, locked the vault and then dropped the key in a huge transparent bowl with many other keys in it. Customers of Omega were allowed to pick out one key from this bowl. The lucky one who picks out the key that can open the vault will be the new owner of the Seamaster housed in the Clooney-signed box.

Together with the special Seamaster, the new boutique features a complete line of Omega’s world class collections, including the new Seamaster Aqua Terra Collection, the Seamaster Planet Ocean 600m Quantum of Solace Limited Edition Watch and other 007-related products, as well as the Constellation Collection.

Watch aficionados can marvel at these fine timepieces in the boutique’s aesthetic and comforting environment. The boutique is designed with soothing and warm colors and features well-crafted windows, display cases and furniture to make visitors feel at home. Images of the company’s brand ambassadors like Clooney and Nicole Kidman are also prominent on the wall to further inspire fellow Omega lovers.

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