Is this romance for real or for show?

Will their love story which started with a kiss last? Yes, Virginia, it might. In fact, Erik Santos is confident that girlfriend of three months, Rufa Mae Quinto, will not exchange him for anything in the world, so to speak. He is not even threaten nor shaken that Rufa Mae’s ex-flame, Rudy Hatfield, is in town to resume his rudely-interrupted basketball career. Erik says everyday phone calls and intimate conversations nurture their relationship. These are enough reasons to make sure that nothing like a ghost from the past will come between them.

Despite all the nasty comments on their blooming relationship, Erik and Rufa Mae remain strong, calm and in love. They have learned, particularly Erik, to shrug off rumors.

"You can’t please everybody," says Erik about his detractors. "They cannot give me my happiness and I know what I like. I have forgiven them. Despite everything, I always have a thankful heart."

That makes Erik so blessed and his cup overflowing with projects. One of them is the concert When Erik Met Rufa on Sept. 15 and 16 at the Music Museum.

Erik and Rufa Mae not only topbill but produce the two-night concert, their first venture together.

Erik says it is a concept show which tells a typical Pinoy romance story. Boy meets girl. They fall for each other. Boy makes the first move. They become lovers. With some twists and turns in the relationship, they break up and eventually reconcile. In a way, it’s very much like the movie When Sally Met Harry which stars Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan.

Remember the movie’s tagline, "Can two friends sleep together and still love each other in the morning?" Well, Erik and Rufa Mae’s story is a new twist on that.

With Rufa Mae in it, the audience can expect comic relief, adds Erik. Her to-die-for body, whistlebait waistline and flawless skin will make the event hot and steaming.

Rufa Mae is one actress whose antics and punchlines are naturally funny. That won for her a Best Supporting Award through Dahil May Isang Ikaw.

In the show, they will do duets, solo performances and production numbers. When Erik Met Rufa is divided into segments with songs that best describe the said part of the show. Each night has a different set of performers/characters to tell the centuries-old story of love.

Ai-Ai de las Alas, Regine Velasquez, Wally Bayola, Jose Manalo and Ogie Alcasid will grace the musical affair. Apparently, they will play villains or heels instead of heroes of the two star-crossed lovers. They will spice up the night. Also lending their creativity are Bong Quintana as director, Louie Ocampo as musical director and Bb. Joyce Bernal as consultant.

Will there be bed or sexy scenes? That’s what fans and kibitzers have to find out.

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