Judy Ann & Ryan: Life on the go

Lucky Me! found its way into homes, schools and offices by providing delicious quick meal for the busy folks. The food product addresses the needs of Filipino consumers. The result: Convenient meals that are fuss-free, affordable and fortified with micronutrients. Lucky Me! celebrates individuals who tackle their fast-paced lifestyle with ease and grace.

Thus, Ryan Agoncillo and Judy Ann Santos say managing time has become an art form. So it’s no wonder that fuss-free products are part of their lifestyle. They have come to value the meaning of convenience and practicality.

Judy Ann’s name on the marquee guarantees a windfall for the movie producer. Her beau, Ryan Agoncillo, is yet another rising star. So how did fate conspire to get them together? "We have so much in common," says Ryan, "and we enjoy each other’s company.

The couple enjoys diving, playing videogames at Timezone and watching movies. Both smile as they remember when they started dating, "The movie theater was like a second home." They spend time at the gym to burn calories. Judy Ann narrates, "We’re into martial arts. I practice muay thai while Ryan does jujitsu."

Ryan adds, "We go to the same gym. She goes with her trainer, I go with my trainer. We just say ‘hi’ at the water station."

Although work takes up most of their time, the two remain keen at pursuing their passions. For Ryan, it’s photography. "I have been doing it semi-professionally for three years now," he says. Judy Ann interjects, "I’m his biggest fan. I admire the dedication he has for his craft."

Ryan, host of Y-Speak, reveals, "Judy Ann and I will get to spend more time together."

Judy Ann and Ryan are excited about what the future has in store for them. They find time to nurture the relationship they describe as "fun and fulfilling." Meanwhile, they’re making the most out of what they have on their plate, so to speak. They’re enjoying every second of it.

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