An everlasting love

The author is an intern of Saint Anthony’s Boys Village in Silang, Cavite under the Rogationist Fathers. He is a third year college student, taking up Electronic and Communications Engineering at Rogationist College in Silang, Cavite.

"For God so loved the world that He gave us His only son, that whoever believes in Him will not die but have eternal life".
—John 3:16

Christ’s life has always been the subject of most Western paintings and stage plays. His life as an inspiration in films is incomparable. I salute Mel Gibson in presenting the greatest love story ever told via The Passion of the Christ..

The redemptive events in the last 12 hours of Jesus Christ’s life mirror God’s infinite goodness and love for all of us. The film started in Jesus’ agony in the garden of Gethsemane where he was even tempted by the devil to disobey God’s will and follow the cry of his human body.

The first scenes showing one of the latest temptations of Jesus is centered in His agony and struggle against His human self and not against the devil, who seem less effective. The soldiers take Jesus and bring him to the governor for judgment. The governor orders the soldiers to scourge Jesus. The scourging at the pillar is one of the highlights of this film. The scourging done by the Romans was so cruel, it brought everybody to tears.

The people called for the Crucifixion of Jesus. Then, Jesus carried a very heavy cross towards Golgotha. One feels how heavy the cross is. As a matter of fact, the cross that Jim Caviezel (who plays Jesus) carried is just one-third of the original cross.. Jesus’ death was so dramatic and His last words were clearly and effectively stated. Christ’s sufferings were also the sufferings of those who love him.

Christ’s resurrection culminated this movie.

The film’s realism and perfect cinematic details help me reflect on my life as a person and as a Catholic.. I admit I am not as religious as a saint but I manage to reflect on what I have done to myself, to others and most especially to God. Sinners as we are, we have to mull over our past and make some resolutions to grow in the spirit of God’s love.

Prayer is one of the ways we can be part of Christ’s life. During prayer, especially while reciting the Sorrowful mysteries of the Holy Rosary, my heart cries as I recall how the Romans shred His skin with their flagrum, bringing Him excruciating pain and great blood loss. And how troubling it is for Jesus to see the how His mother suffers, too.

It isn’t too late yet to reconcile with God.. I know I can start now. Jesus is just waiting for me.

And I don’t need to engage in extra-ordinary activities for this. It’s just a matter of doing God’s will. Once I attain this, I will already be part of Christ’s Body, ready to suffer together with Him.

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