Our taping usually takes place on Mondays. I always have a lot of fun taping.
I don’t know why working for me is just a lot of fun. I love working in front of the camera and playing different roles each time.
There’s really nothing that can put me down when it comes to acting on-cam. I’ve always tried to put out the best I had.
However, working for different shows makes it a little bit hard to adjust to the people around and their working environment.
It feels as if by the time we warm up to each other and get to know one another, the taping is already almost done!
And it’s not often that shows would guest their guests many times in a row. So, most of the time, we end up returning a few months after the guesting we did.
In my case with OK Fine, I became a semi-regular for a month. Then after that, they kept having me as their guest until the network finally decided to offer me a contract for comedy.
I was so happy when I found out about the contract.
Being a part of a comedy show makes life so much easier. All we do is basically laugh on or off cam. It’s so much fun.
Aga Muhlach is basically the main man on OK Fine. He plays Michael.
As we all know, he has two kids, they’re twins. He’s married to the gorgeous Charlene Gonzalez.
It felt weird working with him at first because I used to only watch him on Okidokidok before I left the country and up until now, he still looks the same.
I don’t know how artists manage to stay young- looking even after so many years of stress from showbiz.
I guess maybe smiling all the time is a big part of it. For each week that passes, I learn more and more about this man.
So far, what I’ve learned is that he’s very friendly. He talks and jokes to everybody around him. He also knows his limits with people. His jokes can never really offend anyone.
I haven’t really had much of a chance to know Aga as a person. We’re all always playing around on the set, that’s why. There’s really not much room for serious talks when the taping starts.
But from the impression I got, I believe that Aga is a nice man. There was this one time when he showed me a video of his little angels playing in their farm.
He told me that that was a video taken for Charlene. He had sent that to her through MMS. That was so cute. He must really love spending time with his kids.
He definitely deserves credit for that because Aga most likely has a very hectic schedule. Yet, he still spends time with his kids out of town.
I didn’t get to spend that much time with my father as I was growing up. That’s the reason why I admire people like Aga, who, despite, their busy schedule still manage to find time for the family.
Edu Manzano is another character whom I work with in Ok Fine. He plays JR.
I haven’t gotten the chance to get to know Edu as well but he and I have had quite a few conversations on our views about life and many other things.
This guy has definitely gone through so much in life. He’s told me plenty of stories where which I’ve learned a lot from.
There’s just too many for me to even write on paper.
He’s very interesting. I would say that I definitely look up to this man.
Edu is also very nice and accommodating to everyone around him. When he hears somebody say they’re hungry or they want something done, he always tries to offer help of some sort.
Another thing I admire about him is his sky-high energy level. He seems to be hyper on the set.
He’s always happy, loud and crazy. He’s a cool guy. How he acts in front of the camera is very close to his real personality even off-cam.
Lucky, his son, was our guest on one of the episodes. It was so funny because these two were playing around like they’re siblings, which is very nice to see.
Bayani Agbani is my supposed "other half" in this show. He plays Miguel.
He and I have a very funny relationship in this show. It’s been so long now that "Julie"(myself) wanted to be with him. Yet it seems as if nothing is happening.
At this point, this love story just keeps going in circles. I don’t quite know how my relationship with him would end up in the near future.
But "Julie" still hopes he will give their relationship a chance. Anyway, Bayani in real life is very different from the character he plays.
He’s a simple, nice guy. He’s not too hyper or loud but he’s happy most of the time.
Sometimes, his daughter joins him for taping and just watches him as he works. It’s very nice for me to see because it brings me back to the time when my father used to take me with him when he worked out.
I was a Papa’s girl. Bayani is also a very funny guy. He can think of a perfect punch line in a split second. It’s amazing how he can think so fast.
What makes him really funny is that he can pull off any corny or senseless jokes. He has a way of saying certain things that aren’t really funny and makes it so. He’s another cool guy to work with.
These three guys definitely make my Monday morning a lot more interesting and not boring.
I tend to forget my problems when these three get together and start cracking jokes. My week always starts off on a happy note.
If you guys have time, try to catch our show OK Fine every Monday night 10:30.
By the way, if you want us to be textmates, feel free to send JULIANA to 2978 for GLOBE and 329 for SMART. E-mails are welcome at julianapalermo785@yahoo.com.