It’s never too late to hope

Can science create a technique that could preserve the body after death so the mind can enjoy a state of bliss?

Vanilla Sky
, Cameron Crow’s brilliant masterpiece adapted from the 1997 Spanish film, Abre Los Ojos raises these questions for me. Countless representations, psychological manifestations, and a whirlwind of conflicts surround the chain of events that occur in the film.

A millionaire, David Aames (Tom Cruise) could not keep his hands off women. Intelligent, charming, and filthy rich, he couldn’t ask for anything more.

But nothing is perfect and life is not fair. Aames’ womanizing leads to a tragic incident – a physical deformity caused by his obsessive lover (Cameron Diaz), who killed herself by driving off a bridge when he was with her in the car.

As a result, Aames turns into a recluse and leads a life of pain. Nothing is what it seems to be, Then, he’s arrested for murder. Or is he? The series of twisted events are presented through flashback storytelling, complicating the incidents surrounding the characters. Diaz’ appearances with Sophia (Penelope Cruz), Aames’ love interest, create more confusion in the story.

The remarkable musical, amazing cinematography and superb casting make this film worth watching. Each character is presented in its most brutal, rawest qualities. The direction is perfect.

Crow managed to create a deserted replica of Timesquare, known for busy streets and bright lights. There, Cruise’ character has a whole mind-blowing scene – a clear representation of Aames’ disturbing thoughts.

But the best part of this psychological turmoil occurs when the harsh circumstances and mysterious character development are unravelled in the end. Misery and loneliness corrupt Aames after the freak accident, and he takes his life.

But before that, Aames signs a contract to have his body taken and preserved so his mind can wander in eternity and fulfill its every fantasy and desire. He is finally happy. At least he thinks he is.

In this era, I do believe anything is possible. The movie makes me hope that even if I don’t live a happy, fulfilling life here and now, I get a second chance at least.

Yes, anything is possible. Just open your eyes.

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