Brad Turvey: Not just a pretty face

Not just another pretty face could best describe the real Brad Turvey.

His newest stint as VJ of Channel [V] International proved that he has what it takes to be a good host and presenter. Forget that he began his career in the Philippines armed with just good looks. This opened the doors to what he is today.

The Australian-Chinese stunner was recently launched in the Philippines as the first male VJ of the international music channel. "I may be Australian, but I acknowledge the fact that I got this job because of my work in the Philippines. So to a certain extent, it is as if I am representing the Filipinos," says Brad of his VJ work.

The audition for Channel [V] International began in the middle of 2003. "I was called by the Philippine office of Star TV," recalls Brad of that first meeting with Star TV’s Liza Latinazo. Over coffee, Liza introduced Brad and his manager to Channel [V] and how they had been holding auditions all over Asia for a male VJ. There were about two or three other names on the list from the Philippines. The first step, according to Liza was to send some sort of profile of what Brad had already done in the Philippines with regard to hosting and modeling.

The next day, Brad and his manager collated all the materials on hand, both in print and on video. They then approached their barkada, Direk Mark Reyes to come up with a demo reel of Brad. "That was what we term abuse of friendship," says Brad. This demo reel was to be sent to the Malaysian offices of Channel [V] International.

The reel contained stills and videos of his various endorsements like SMART Pure Text Buddy, Close-up, VIVA Mineral Water, Ambipur Car Freshener and of course, Penshoppe. Also included were captures of his magazine covers and feature articles in magazines, alongside some TV appearances.

In a matter of days after the video was sent, Brad was called for his first audition in Manila. "I was given spiels to introduce videos, that’s it." It was a simple audition that eventually proved to be a bit nerve-wracking. Take after take, he was given on-the-spot tips on how to improve his delivery.

He felt he did pretty OK, but then again, decision-makers in Malaysia could have thought otherwise. It was a two-week wait until Brad was told he would fly to Malaysia for yet another screen test. In Malaysia, he was told to do pretty much the same thing, but this time, it was in the actual studios of Channel [V]. "I felt as if my Manila audition was better," recalls Brad. He was told they would make a decision in another two weeks.

Because of this busy workload, Brad had little time to think about his future with Channel [V] as the two-week wait expired. He went on with his regular work routines, which included his twice-a-week stint as guest DJ on Monster Radio, RX 93.1 and his regular shows on GMA like Nuts Entertainment and SOP. He would also continue with his other hosting stints for corporate shows, parties and other special events for companies like Intel Philippines, McDonald’s, Shangri-La Hotel group, Unilever, Splash and Nestle. He also did extensive traveling to host local beauty pageants in Lanao del Norte and Albay, plus other guest appearances all over the country.

In Oct. 2003, he got a call from Jeff Selamutu of Channel [V] in Malaysia. This was the call he waited for two weeks after his Malaysian audition. The call came two months later than expected. Brad got the coveted slot as the first male VJ of Channel [V] International.

"My manager wanted to come out with press releases, but we were told to hold off any announcements until November because all the Channel [V] VJs would be coming over to Manila." Channel [V] was to have its re-introduction to the Philippine market via record bar raids, bar tours, press conferences and various magazine shoots and features. The announcement of Brad’s inclusion as the music channel’s new VJ was to coincide with these events.

In early November, he flew to Malaysia to do his first job as a VJ. He did the segment Remote Control. "I do man-on-the-street interviews and ask people for their requested video," explains Brad. The day after holding interviews in the streets of Kuala Lumpur, he had his first photo shoot for publicity materials for Channel [V] to be used all over Asia.

On Nov. 19, coinciding with Mandy Moore’s trip to the Philippines, Brad had the opportunity to rekindle his friendship with the pop star as Channel [V] assigned him to interview her. "I was really touched by her warmth. We talked off camera as if we were long time friends. She is really a nice girl," he says.

Hours after the interview, Brad got a call from Jeff, his boss in Malaysia. Some executives from Sony Music who saw the interview called Jeff to commend Brad on the interview, not knowing that it was his first interview for Channel [V]. In that same call, Brad was told he would fly to Korea in December, this time to interview Britney Spears. Brad could not hide his excitement. "I think I was smiling throughout the conversation and was running and jumping around in excitement," he recalls. Again, this was news he wanted to share with fans, but was told to keep mum until after the interview was done.

What a way to cap the year: inclusion in an international music channel and the chance to interview two worldwide pop icons. And if these are any indications, Brad’s career in the international market is off to a great start. Unfortunately, Channel [V] is not widely available in the Philippines and is not carried by major cable operators. Hopefully, the channel will get picked up this year.

Beginning this month, Brad will be taping in the Channel [V] studios in Malaysia his regular segments. He will host Men In Music, which will talk about the male movers of the international music industry, and co-host Remote Control with the other Channel [V] International VJs, Amanda, Sarah and Cindy.

Brad will still be based in Manila. He will just fly to various parts of Asia a couple of days every month for his VJ work.

Brad Turvey has proven he has the talent for an international market. Let’s hope local TV producers realize he is in our shores, just waiting to be tapped.

Brad is managed by Priority Asia, Inc.

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