Staind in PULP
June 28, 2003 | 12:00am

More than 10,000 people stayed up last April 30 to watch more than 30 of their favorite bands shake up the neighborhood of Amoranto Stadium in Quezon City for the PULP Summer Slam 3. Music editor Kristine Fonacier gets the skinny on this amazingly phat blitzkrieg of light, sound and bouncing baby-men descending upon the charged audience.
Its been quite a while for the hardworking New England band Staind, but theyre back with a new album and a new perspective about their music after singer Aaron Lewis became a new father at 31. Famous for hits like Its Been A While and Outside, the power quartet has just released their much-anticipated 14 Shades of Grey. Still reeling from hangover due to lack of sleep after an all-nighter at the Pulp office, writer Joey Dizon dragged himself to take Lewis phone call one very early morning and was jolted wide awake.
Then get high on whacked-out stories culled from todays most outrageously candid bands Kapatid, Brownman Revival, K 24/7, The Dawn, True Faith, and Stagecrew as they talk about passing through altered states of consciousness (or in some cases, unconsciousness) after one too many beers. Theres a lesson or two to be had here.
As Pulp also talked to some of the most authoritative people in music today Papa Dom, Howlin Dave, Arnold Morales and Jing Garcia, among others to ask about their most memorable experiences on and off stage. Writer Adam David and Pulp resident writers Luis Katigbak and Pearlsha Abubakar capture the energy of some of the most turbulent recollections in rock history.
Pulp Magazine is available at Odyssey Records outlets at only P50 for every P150 worth of purchases.
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