Why Mayor Rey can’t leave showbiz

His job as Caloocan City Mayor takes up almost all his awake hours. And Mayor Rey Malonzo admits that he misses the movies.

Last Christmas, Mayor Rey Malonzo was calling the shots for the controversy-hounded Metro Manila Film Festival as chairperson, but this time around, he’s back doing what he loves best – acting in show business.

Mayor Rey Malonzo is the lead actor for the movie Balikatan, an entry in the ongoing Manila Film Festival, and he shares stellar billing with Eddie Garcia in this Cirio Santiago film about combating terrorism in the Philippines.

He took a 20-day leave to focus on the filming of this movie. But he makes it clear that he was always in-charge and on-call, "It was good that there was no emergency situations that needed my physical presence the reason why shooting went on smoothly as planned."

"In the movie, I play a member of the Philippine Marine who leads a group of both US and Filipino military men in rescuing a kidnapped US Senator," he says, while showing off the muscles he gained in preparation for his role.

Mayor Rey had to firm up his body, put on mass, and work out religiously to make him look as fit as an officer of the marines. "It’s basically disciplining oneself to work out and to watch my food intake. It was difficult at first but once I get the rhythm of things, I started enjoying it, specially when I saw that there were marked improvements in my physique."

Although not a hard-core vegetarian, Mayor Malonzo has shunned off all meat products from his food intake. He also takes the basic vitamin supplements to boost his energy. "I feel really healthy, and I feel really good," he beams.

But what makes him really happy is the fact that he was able to squeeze in acting in his busy work schedule as a public servant. "I miss it terribly. Being in the movies for so long then suddenly finding yourself at the center of politics is a major change of lifestyle and priorities. But I have no regrets, sabi nga ng wife ko, I can still have the best of both worlds."

Acting and politics may occupy a big chunk in Mayor Rey’s daily existence nowadays, but he still feels that no amount of success elsewhere can give a man true fulfillment without a happy family to go home to. "Iba syempre kung buo ang pamilya. My family is very important to me, their well-being, their security, their happiness," he explains.

I met Mayor Rey’s wife, the former Gwendolyn ‘Gigi’ Yee, at the press conference of Balikatan. She told me she has also appeared with her husband in a few movies and that she was into martial arts. The Malonzos have two boys: PJ who’s 22, an Economics graduate and Charles King, who is 7. Gigi says both are interested in joining show business.

Gigi was busy talking to the print media, unmindful that Mayor Rey had to be chummy and extra affectionate with leading lady Patricia Javier while posing for the photographers and TV crew.

Shooting took Mayor Rey, Patricia and the rest of the cast to as far away as Subic and Tanay. And just like in any local action movie, there must be a steamy love scene between the macho lead actor and his bombshell leading lady. How did theirs go?

Mayor Rey blushes a little, clutches his hands, waiting for Patricia to give the first response. She did, saying that her leading man was a true gentleman and never took advantage of her naked glory. He reacts, saying, "Patricia is such a sweet and nice person, if I were just free, imposibleng hindi ako ma-in love sa kanya."

In the meantime, Mayor Rey is back at his job in the Caloocan Municipal Hall, hoping that Balikatan will do well at the box office, so he could make another one next year.

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