Among Korina’s favorite things

I just started a brand-new relationship. Although from the onset, my partner and I knew that the arrangement was strictly temporary. We both have prior, very demanding and jealous commitments. Yet, it was hard resisting giving this a try.

I’m talking about our two-week, limited engagement on Morning Girls. And my partner is none other than Ms. Korina Sanchez.

Korina gamely answered my list of questions regarding her "favorites." Somehow, I think it’s a lot more insightful to find out what a person likes rather than concentrating on anything negative.

Here are Korina’s picks:

1) Favorite color:
White. "I know that it’s a non-color but it always gives everything a semblance of peace. I need serenity in my life."

2) Favorite cologne or perfume:
Creed, Spring Flowers in particular. "Kris, you told me about this, and I went to Wish (my favorite boutique in Makati Shangri-La’s shopping arcade-kca). The scent is unusual and unique, it makes me feel very feminine!"

3) Favorite song:
Misty. "I really like old standards."

4) Favorite movie:
Farewell, My Concubine. "The film is Asian, very rich in culture, history, and it tackles the complexity of human relationships."

5) Favorite book:
Memoirs of a Geisha. "I primarily read non-fiction. This was one of the few works of fiction that I really enjoyed. Again, because it deals with history and Asian culture."

6) Favorite food:
Filipino, it’s kare kare. "Nobody makes it as delicious as my mom’s. She uses only fresh ingredients, no short-cuts or mixes, freshly ground peanuts and bigas. The last time we had it was for New Year’s Day!" For international cuisine, it’s Prime Rib. "I especially like the one in Manila Hotel’s Cowrie Grill." For seafood, crabs. "I like the freshness and flavor of the crabs in Red Crab in Greenbelt. 3."

7) Favorite indulgence food:
Baklava. I had to ask Korina what this was since I’m not a very exotic eater and a Tobleron chocolate bar is already my ultimate indulgence. According to Korina, "It’s a very rich Mediterranean pastry with ground pistachios and a lot of sugar. It’s so rich that my maximum is three pieces."

8) Favorite place in the Philippines:
Lagen Island in El Nido, Palawan. "I dive, I love the water, and by far this is my favorite resort. I’ve been there three times because the place is just so beautiful!"

9) Favorite place in the world to visit:
Paris, France. "I went there before the peso weakened against the dollar. I stayed for a week, but I could have stayed for a month. I would have loved to immerse myself in Parisian life, the people seem to have a deeper existence and such an artistic culture."

10) Favorite spot in your home:
Living room, specifically her second living area. "I have this quiet spot in my home, overlooking my garden where my African Lovebirds are. This is where I put my rattan furniture, I lounge here, and this is where I do a lot of my reading."

11) Favorite television show:
Sex and the City. "Carrie is my favorite character. I find that the other three women are stereo-typical, but Carrie is a bit lost, kinda confused. She has the vulnerability present in all of us."

12) Favorite international figure:
Mahathir Mohammad of Malaysia. "I look up to his leadership, his ability to be defiant of the Western world, and all he has done to lift up Malaysia. He’s been in power for more than 20 years, yet when he announced that he would be stepping down after his term, a lot of the citizens were actually crying. He has the respect of his countrymen and the world’s respect as well."

13) Favorite day of the week:
A toss-up between Friday and Monday. "I love Fridays because I can look forward to much-needed rest, but then again I also like Mondays because that’s when my adrenaline revs up!"

14) Favorite time of the year:
Christmas! "People don’t realize that there is a very domestic side to me. I love decorating my home for the holidays, I take time to creatively wrap all my Christmas presents for family and friends. This is just an over-all happy time of the year for me. At the start of the year I make an Accomplishment List. By the time Christmas comes, I know how much of my list has become a reality, a culmination of my efforts!"

15) Favorite time of your life:
Hitting 30. "The couple of years before my 30th birthday, up to my early thirties, actually up until now. A woman in her thirties is at her most beautiful – she’s no longer too young, yet far from being old. There are just so many opportunities and options, so many places to go to, so many goals to reach. I still feel that this is the time of my life!"

Unfortunately, by the time you read this, I will just have one more week sharing the TV screen with Korina. As I’ve always said, my life truly benefits from my relationships with strong women of authority. Thank you, Korina for letting me know you better and in the process admire you more.

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