

Rufa Mae, Ai-Ai: New comic duo

There are comediennes and there are comediennes. And then there’s Rufa Mae Quinto who’s in a class all her own. Unique. Different. Untypical.

The late Chichay banked on her toothless grip for laughs, and so did other comediennes who capitalize on physical defects to tickle the public funnybone, as the mali-mali Matimtiman Cruz does or, before, her, the late Aruray who would break into expletives everytime she was startled. The moviegoers, of course, know why Zorayda Sanchez is funny (it’s in her looks, see!); same thing with the likes of Evelyn Vargas, Matutina, Flora Gasser and a host of others.

Rufa Mae is sexy, no doubt about it, and pretty, too. She can be a bombshell, a sex siren, what with her big boobs and delicious curves. And yet, she’s also effective as a comedienne as she has amply proven in movies (Gloria, Gloria, Labandera, etc.) and on TV shows. If required, Rufa Mae can switch to being a good drama actress also. Shades of Nida Blanca?

"She’s one of my favorite actresses," says Rufa Mae who’s playing the title role in Booba, Viva Films’ initial release for the year 2001. Directed by Joyce Bernal, Booba also stars Gina Pareño, Ai-Ai dela Alas and Gary Estrada. The screenplay was written by Mel Mendoza-del Rosario. "I want to be like her," added Rufa Mae, "mahusay sa comedy, mahusay sa drama."

is the story of two sisters, Booba and Gretchen (Ai-Ai). They help their grandmother, Lola Lulubelle (Gina) run her fruit stand. Because Booba is sexy and pretty, the ugly Gretchen is jealous of her, to the extent of trying to kill both their lola and Booba herself, prompting the lola to drive Gretchen away from home.

Before the lola dies, she tells Booba to fulfill her dream for her to be a star dancer and a TV host, even a senator senator if possible. In Manila, Booba ends up as a dancer, all right, but in a cheap club, while Gretchen becomes Madam X, head of a gang engaged in shady activities. Booba meets Poli (Gary), a cop and a twist of events team them up as crime-busters, with catching Gretchen/Madam X as one of their missions. To the end, Booba professes her love for Gretchen who continues to hate Booba all the way to prison where Gretchen, now a maniac, molests male prisoners and male guards.

Rufa Mae is happy with the way things are going in her career.

"At least," she said, "I am adjustable. Puede sa comedy, puede sa bold, puede sa action, puede sa drama. I love being an all-around actress."

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