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Building bridges between angels and men

A POINT OF AWARENESS - Preciosa S. Soliven - The Philippine Star

(2nd of a 4-part series on Angels Are Real)

To prepare you for living in the new millennium, there are about 21 books about angels at the bookstore. Angel Answers – A Joyful Guide to Creating Heaven on Earth authored by Andrew Ramer is a particular handbook which will “transmute ourselves from fearful, limited destructive beings into the radiant children of God that we are.” Ramer co-authored with Alma Daniels its companion book, Ask your Angels: A Practical Guide to Working with the Messengers of Heaven to Empower and Enrich Your Life.

Today angels appear to ordinary persons

Annie Besant, the famous lecturer of Ancient Wisdom in the Theosophical Society, stated: “At this period of human evolution, we are under the influence of natural force, which works for cooperation between angelhood and humanity. It seeks to build bridges by which the two great races, human and angelic, may combine for their mutual good. These bridges are ceremonies, chiefly in religion…”

Actually, upon birth, every person on earth has been assigned his special angels. However, not all have learned to tune in to his holy companions. A hopeful note, though, has been intoned by the computer age. TIME magazine reports that 69 percent of Americans believe in angels while 32 percent have felt an angelic presence.

Geoffrey Hodson, a well respected mystic and clairvoyant, wrote the book, The Brotherhood of Angels and Men, a scientific treatise on angels. On the preface of its fifth reprint in 1991, he recalls: “…in the woods of the small village of Sheepscombe in Gloucestershire in 1924, I was recording descriptions of the nature spirit life (gnomes, fairies, etc.), I suddenly found my consciousness translated (changing) by which I beheld the great member of the Angelic Hosts, who named himself to me as ‘Bethelda’.”

It was Bethelda, who dictated to him five successive books, namely: The Brotherhood of Angels and Men, The Angelic Hosts, Be Ye Perfect, Man the Triune God, and The Supreme Splendor.

The essential steps in crossing the bridge to the Angelic Kingdom

Following are messages which Hodson received directly from the Heavenly Kingdom.

Since the Great One has drawn so close to our world of the angels, it is of importance that the bridge between the two should be fashioned, that the time may be hastened when it may be used freely from either side.

The first essential on the side of men is a belief in their existence. To that end, more information about angels must be given, and presented in such a manner that it will be acceptable to the scientist as well as to the poet, the artist and the dreamer. In the scientific studies of men, as they are taken deeper into the super-physical realms, they should be ever observant of the place of angels in the manipulation and adjustment of nature’s forces.

The second essential is an increase in the number of human beings able to contact angels. Perhaps, the easiest means of approach will be found to be through the love of nature, which springs from a recognition of the presence of the Divine. From such an appreciation will arise naturally a realization of the sacred nature of all beauty, and a desire to draw near to the divinity within.

The message goes on to say that the excitable emotional, or unbalanced individual may not be safely brought into contact with the great force working behind and through the angel evolution. Men and women with extremely practical and controlled minds, possessing also capacities for idealism and positive imagination, are ideal workers. These types should be sought for the initiation of schemes where human-angel cooperation is to be employed.

The third essential emphasizes that the true artist must first gain the necessary technique of the laboratory and the textbook. Then, forsaking these for a time, he must be allowed to meditate, preferably amid the beauties of nature.

The fourth essential comes the way of ceremony, where divine ideas, words of power and precision of action are combined.

Setting up the angel center in office, home and community

For those persons or communities who want their work increased in spiritual value, range and power, learn to recognize the presence of angels and the practice of cooperation with them. Angelic Host Bethelda provides the instruction on how to set up the angel center in office, community, hospital, school and home.

The power would be greater and the angels’ presence more real if magnetized centers were provided in the home to include:

• a single object of great beauty, mentally associated with the angels and with nature (like a statuette of a beautiful angel),

• a bowl of flowers, freshly gathered everyday, and the use of incense,

• the use of a short prayer or invocation each morning, and a benediction of each evening,

• a complete cleanliness, an atmosphere of utter purity, and the single motive of cooperation for mutual help are essential, and

• added to the simple ceremony might be appropriate references to the Founder of religion of the house, and a prayer, perhaps, for His blessing upon both angels and men. (For example, Buddhist, Hindu or Muslim.)

What the angels ask from you

The angels ask from us, not worship – for that would be inappropriate – but love; asking only to be allowed to join men in praise and thanksgiving to Him, Who is the Father of us all.

While these practices would not immediately produce a large number of people capable of direct communication with the angels – they would gradually effect a change in the consciousness of the people – a change which would tend to make such communication more easily possible.

It should also be made clear that the daily exercise at the magnetic centers must be preserved in its simplest form, entirely free from all sensationalism or elaborate ceremonies. No attempt should be made to obtain a close personal contact with individual angels, or to employ them from motives of personal gain or curiosity. This would almost inevitably lead to disaster.

Angels’ message to priests, ministers and retreat masters

For priests, the message is that all the churches and all the priests who seek the way of the angels must throw open their minds and their work to them. The angels should be granted a greater share in their beneficent activities.

Members of the angel hosts are hovering over the heads of all congregations, standing beside every priest; yet how often do they find themselves shut out by barriers upraised by human minds. Priests and congregations alike must throw their minds open to a recognition of the presence of angels in their midst, and thus invoke their aid.

If this happens, soon, very soon, some will begin to hear the beating of angels’ wings, to feel an added power in their work, and later, an increasing happiness in their lives. Like Him Who Has Come, the angels bring the message of happiness. This is the happiness which never fades, but grows until it becomes an ecstasy of bliss, which shall be theirs.

The angels’ message to government leaders and legislators

For government leaders and legislators, every law they frame and every statute they enact should be tested by this question: “Will the result be beautiful?” This is the ideal by which a citizen should measure his conduct and his duty to the State.

This is the standard for the nations in their councils and their leagues, for with one glance the artist Ruler of a world can estimate the worth of government and kings. To Him, the measure of a nation’s ugliness is the measure of its mismanagement of affairs. The measure of a nation’s beauty, as of the true royalty of its king, is that of the progress it has made.

The angel’s message to caregivers

In every institution for the care of the young, the sick and the aged, there should be established a magnetic center which angels could use as a focus. It should be a room set apart and made beautiful, consecrated by a proper ceremonial. It would have as its object the invocation of Raphael and his healing angels, and of establishing an atmosphere in which they could work.

No great gift of knowledge would be needed to do this, only sincerity and vision. In every ward or sick-room, a little shrine might be similarly employed. Then, every doctor would become a priest, every nurse an acolyte. The angels should come and heal through them, helping in a hundred ways.

We, his servants, bear his message of brotherhood and love

The angels’ sphere of usefulness to God will be enlarged by sharing that of men. Men’s lives will be enriched, their world made glad, by the inauguration of the Brotherhood of Angels and Men.

(Part III – The Three Waves of Angels)

(For feedback email at [email protected])









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