Springdale exec cries foul over 'harsh' CFA sanction

CEBU, Philippines - A top official of PAREF-Springdale viewed the three-day ban imposed by the Cebu Football Association (CFA) on the boys school's football team and its head coach Mario Ceniza as too 'harsh'.

In the same breadth, PAREF-Springdale executive director Ric R. Ampiloquio branded the incumbent officers of CFA as being unfair and bias on the manner by which they handed down such a heavy penalty that is inimical to the school's development program in football.

"The imposition of the above harsh penalty upon our school and our head coach only shows the apparent unfairness and bias of the incumbent officers of the CFA against us which is clearly not in consonance with the PFF's Catalogue of Punishments," stated Ampiloquio in a letter to the Philippine Football Federation (PFF) dated February 1, 2012.

Ampiloquio pointed out "that Item 6 of the Introduction of the Catalogue of Punishments, which mandates the “Tournament Committee to see to it that the punishments are carried out according to the catalogue”, and item IV (7), which sets the maximum suspension for a team withdrawing to only six (6) months."

"We are aware that the current committee chairman of the grassroots development of the PFF is the same President/Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee of the CFA and we take this opportunity to show our concern that the way this matter against our boys’ school may leave a bad mark on PFF's implementation of grassroots development here in Cebu," said Ampiloquio.

The recent controversy that rocked the Cebu football community broke out when Paref-Springdale withdrew its participation from the CFA-organized 14th Aboitiz Cup after its 14-under team was forfeited in its scheduled game against Blessed John XXIII Seminary last January 7 despite the fact that the organizers granted a 15-minute time extension and their players arrived at the venue within the extended time. 

"To express our dismay on how our boys were unfairly treated, the said undesirable incident was the subject of our formal letter withdrawal from the tournament," said Ampiloquio.

But CFA stood pat on its earlier decision, contending that as stipulated in the Aboitiz Cup Ground Rules, the 15-minute grace period is applicable only in the first game of the day and thereafter all the teams are required to be at the venue at least one hour before their scheduled games.

In the aftermath of Springdale pulling out all its teams from the Aboitiz Cup, CFA President and chairman of Disciplinary Committee Richard Montayre has barred Springdale and Ceniza from taking part in any CFA and PFF-organized events within the period of three years.

Aboitiz Cup Ground Rules state that "the Disciplinary Commitee shall decide on the sanction to be imposed to recommended as a result of withdrawals base on PFF Catalogue of Punishment. Sanctions of three years or up to Life Tournament Ban for Coaches, Players, and Teams/Clubs can be imposed by the Disciplinary Committee of CFA."

The same provision of the rules stipulate that all sanctions shall be forwarded to the PFF for implementation and reference. - (THE FREEMAN)

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