Comebacking Carter, Kenya's too stamp classes in 1st ANS Run

CEBU, Philippines - Cebuana runner Madelyn Carter and Kenyan Josphat Too topped their respective divisions in the inaugural Abellana National School Run yesterday.

Carter lorded it over in the women's 10K action with the time of 46:00.43, just a split of a second ahead of Marichu Luterte who clocked in 46:01.59. Emily Rosas wound up third.

In the men's division, Too came out the fastest in 34 minutes and 9.16 seconds. Francis Cacoy placed second in 34:44.67 followed by Alvirg Busa in 35:19.67.

 Abraham Missos, another Kenyan national, ruled the men's 5K with the time of 15:40.79. The next two spots were occupied by Jess Gonzaga (16:52.78) and Jorry Ycong (17:15.66).

In the distaff side, the Andrin sisters Jhean and Lovely Fe had a 1-2 finish, while Mae Angela Espera took the third place honors.

On the other hand, Ruth Banzon won the 5K Alumni category in 20:52.13, while the top two finishers in the students class were Revodeum Aranas (19:30.27) and Monika Young (58:38.21).

In the 3K battle, Ronnie Andrin emerged as the top winner in the boys side with the time of 9:12.94 and Aiza Suaybaguio in the girls bracket with the time of 11:22.41. –(FREEMAN)

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