Yaw-Yan Summer Clinic culmination rites on Saturday

CEBU, Philippines - The participants of the Yaw-Yan ArDigma Martial Arts Federation, Inc. Summer Clinic will have their culminating activity at 5 pm this Saturday at the Yaw-Yan Headquarters situated at the fourth floor of Coast Pacific Downtown Center just across the University of Cebu (UC)-Main Campus along Sanciangko Street, this city.

During the affair, Yaw-Yan ArDigma CEO/Founder and Vis-Min director Master Benigno “Ekin” R. Caniga, Jr. said the students will demonstrate their choosen special techniques that they learned from the comprehensive month-long camp.

Among the disciplines in which they will showcase their wares include arnis, Aryan Style/Sipang Pamalo, Bo-Staff, Tonfa/Baton, Yawara Stick, Yaw-Yan Combat (self-defense), Yaw-Yan ArDigma System, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), ‘Bigayan’ or give and take by multiple opponents, and full-contact sparring.

Master Ekin added he has invited British national Cris Thompson, a certified Yaw-Yan ArDigma fighter who is also a consultant of a call center here in Cebu, as the guest of honor and motivational speaker.

To refresh, Yaw-Yan is a unique Filipino martial arts derived from the two syllables of “Sayaw ng Kamatayan” or ‘Dance of Death’. It was introduced to the public for the first time by its originator GM Napoleon “Nap” Fernandez in a simple ceremony in Manila in 1972.

“I encouraged our youngsters to study martial arts instead of getting hooked up into computer games and other vices. Through martial arts, particularly the Yaw-Yan ArDigma System, they can gain self-discipline, instill values in themselves and maintain a healthy physical well-being,” said Master Ekin.

Meanwhile, Master Ekin announced that they are now accepting students for their first semester of Yaw-Yan classes. For further inquiries, interested parties may contact 0919-8215582 or 0932-4524999. – EBV (FREEMAN)

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