Lion Tiger guns for jugular tonight

CEBU, Philippines - Armed with a commanding 2-0 lead, the Lion Tiger Aerosol-UV Lancers shoot for the clincher tonight as they take on Gaisano Capital in Game 3 of the best-of-five 5th CESAFI Partners’ Cup finals at the Cebu Coliseum.

Games today (Cebu Coliseum)

For third

5 pm San Marino vs. Rose Aquarius

Game 3, Finals

6:30 pm Gaisano Capital vs. Lion Tiger

Victory is within reach for Lion Tiger as Gaisano Capital will play without star center Junemar Fajardo, who is hobbled by a swollen big toes.

Gaisano Capital coach Roel Gomez said after their 58-80 loss in Game 2 that Fajardo is expected to undergo surgery today, therefore, it is already given that Lion Tiger will win the title via a clean 3-0 sweep unless perhaps the former had another gameplan in mind to stay alive.

Fajardo played only briefly in the first period scoring five points and sat out the rest of the game. All indications showed that Gaisano Capital is a vulnerable if orphaned by Fajardo and it was manifested in one occasion in the third period when Lion Tiger scored six straight points in the final 15 seconds to end the quarter.

The fact that Lion Tiger won Game 1 with Fajardo was there, 76-64, it seemed Gaisano’s invincibility in the CESAFI has finally come to an end.

Jerome Silva topscored for Lion Tiger with 17 points while Edrian Lao continued to thrive from the paint scoring 10 points.

Earlier, the San Marino Corned Tuna-SWU Cobras whipped Rose Aquarius Merchandising-USPF Panthers, 88-61, to even their best-of-three series for third place.

The scores

First game

San Marino (88) – Armecin 23, Guillena 19, Pacquiao 13, Ortuyo 8, Dalondonan 8, Hernando 4, Arong 4, Ypil 2, Padilla 2, Bregondo 2, Nalos 1

Rose Aquarius (61) –   Sedurifa 16, Dajalos 10, E. Ferraren 8, Nudalo 6, Linao 6, Meca 4, Maraño 4, J. Ferraren 4, Misa 3

Second game

Lion Tiger (80) - Silva 17, Lao 10, Mercader 9, Avelanoza 7, Premacio 6, Cincoflroes 5, Mendoza 5, Perolino 4, Abad 4, Graf 3, Srong 2, Codilla 1, Belano 1

Gaisano Capital (58) - Pogoy 18, Mohammad 12, Yburan 6, Fajardo 5, Caytuna 5, Labolabo 5, Delos Santos 3, Bercede 2, Aranas 1, Batino 1. – THE FREEMAN

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