There is honor even in battle

Load. Ready. Ratatatat! Pow! 12 rounds of furious exchanges, although not kind of equal in punches landed, defines the match every Filipino boxing fan watched last Sunday. I won't go to the details as almost everything has been said already about the two fighters who squared off.

I will touch on the actions of the honorable congressman from the Province of Sarangani who moonlights as an 8-division boxing champion when he's not in the halls of congress legislating, or as caught on video, yawning the boredom out of his system.

Coming from humble and practically harsh beginnings, Manny Pacquiao grew up to the ways of this cruel world. Long story short, he faced enormous adversities and conquered them, bringing him and his family, and of course, Mommy Dionesia to fame and fortune that they could have never dreamed. 

Some people, could be the jealous ones, brand Congressman Pacman as swell-headed, a snob or whatever kind of adjective they can think of. Considering his stature and popularity, it is only natural for him, or maybe his handlers, to create some kind of a security blanket. He's a national treasure and almost a national hero.   A simple act from his colleagues could just make him that, a real live hero.

Pacman's true color showed on the 11th and 12th rounds of the fight. He showed respect and compassion to his opponent. Never mind if Antonio Margarito delivered some bullcraps to them days prior to their match.Remember the infamous jig thrown at Freddie Roach?

 If Pacman didn't have heart, he could have pulverized Margarito some more and sent him to kingdom come, as payback for what they did to coach Roach. He could have made those welts on his opponent's face the size of Texas. But no, our guy showed concern, even glancing at the ref twice as if saying, "Unsa man, nabalhin na iyang ilong sa agtang, padayon pa ta ani?" That, my dear readers, is simply class. Yes, our Manny is a fighter, not a killer.

If Pacman had a blood lust, Margarito could have ended his boxing career in that match. I don't blame the guy. Mexicans are a proud race and they would rather die fighting than quit. But for safety's sake, his corner and that referee could have stopped the facial massage on the 10th round. Hey, MMA refs jump between fighters at the risk of rearranging their faces when they think one is already having enough.

I give credit to where it is due. To Pacman, for giving his day job title "Honorable" a new meaning by showing compassion to an enemy in a brutal sport. To the Tijuana Tornado who morphed into an Arlington breeze, I take my hat off and bow to you for gallantly putting up and simply refusing to give up. You are one really tough dude, Antonio Margarito.

 This brings us to Floydie May-wither. It's not a typo error, that's how his name is spelled now. As of the moment, the man is content fighting security officers patrolling their gated community. It is one sure way of literally saving his face from major reconstructive work from Pacman.

Surely, Floydie paid $65 for PPV and witnessed Pacman's own version of facial enhancement to customers.     Floydie watched and wondered how could a little guy do something like that to a much bigger and taller opponent. Oh well, Pacman eats bigger guys for breakfast. Oscar dela Hoya, Miguel Cotto, Joshua Clottey and lately Margarito can all tell Floydie that running and ducking away from Pacman is a wise and sound decision. Just keep that stupid mouth zipped, Floydie.

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Can anybody tell me where can we get and watch coverage of the Asian Games now going on at Guangzhou, China? This happens every four years and is just a rung below the Olympics, meaning, we will be witnesses to athletic world records being broken and made. Asia's best and brightest in the field of sports are being showcased and showing some feeds from the games would be a great service to the sporting community.

The games is a better watch compared to a game show taking advantage of people's misfortune, hosted by a sarcastic ego-tripper paired with an ex-whatever and shown on a network claiming to be our sibling.

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