Classy Spain

After one month of having to stay up until the wee hours of the morning or napping for a couple of hours and waking up to catch the second game, life goes back to normal as the 2010 World Cup in South Africa wrapped up early morning (RP time).

I'm glad Sapin won the title in its first appearance in the championship match for reasons that I rooted for the team and that I won a few bets with friends and family, which I hope the taxmen would not be checking since they're too small to even put into your billfold.

Spain proved the better team against Netherlands, which was an odds-on favorite prior to the match.

The Spaniards may not have made so much noise during the group stages and in the knockout stages losing their opening game to Switzerland and winning by the closest of margins.

But what matters most is who won the final match and despite the 1-0 final tally, it was a well-deserved win and Spain also put up a class act against the rough play of the Dutch.

Many have said that the Dutch were sore losers with the way they ranted at the referee, but then when national pride is at stake, these men often go beyond the call of duty to play as hard as they can to bring joy to their nation. They failed, which is the reason why many even cried, but it doesn't make them less of a man to do so.

It was great to have waken up so early last Monday (my son even beat me to the TV set) to witness that championship game that once again proved why football is the world's most popular sport.

It is probably also noteworthy to say that the players in the World Cup really put their duty to their nation and foremost priority in the competition.

I hope the World Cup fever will continue to infect more people in our country even after the final whistle has sounded.

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What really got me more excited during the World Cup was the fact that many of my friends and relatives, who I never thought would have a little interest in football, were actually following the tournament.

I had to explain certain aspects of the sport to some, but overall, many were excited to discuss the games and even tackle some of the more technical aspects of football.

If only we have more politicians, who are also interested in developing the sport here in our backyard, I believe we can develop better players.

Of course, in order to develop players, you need the fields to play in. Finding a place to play should be a good way to start.

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MILESTONES: belated birthday greetings to Mark Lester Guanzon, Rep. Luigi Quisumbing and Jimadel 'Jade' Combista, who turned a year older last Monday. The same also goes to Atty. Joy Redoble, who celebrated last week.

Belated greetings also go to July Franco and Jutta Codilla, who turned a year older yesterday.

Today's greetings go to my fellow Cebu Squad members Dennis Pastor and Ann Andres-Arribas and my classmates Haydee Belleza and Dimple enriquez-Macias. The same goes to Analee Duran-Flores.

More power to all of you! - THE FREEMAN

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