Qualfon dumps People Support

CEBU, Philippines - Qualfon made a surprising performance after thrashing the equally-tough Aegis People Support, 71-61, in the preliminary rounds of the 6th Inter-BPO Basketball Tournament the other day at the City Sports Club-Cebu basketball court.

Qualfon came raging in the first half and posted a menacing 14-point advantage, 37-23.

Aegis People Support tried to stop Qualfon’s domination but fell short as Qualfon took control of the driver’s seat all the way to the 10-point victory.

Jopher Regidor paced Qualfon with 19 points while Albert Johnston chipped in 14.

Jomie Mendez scored 20 for APS while Marvin Roma and Kenneth Dysam added 26 points combined.

In the other match, the Teletech Titans added another triumph in their record after pummeling Lexmark, 61-46.

Erwin Abellanosa led Teletech with 14 while Michael Dalangin poured in 12. Lexmark’s Rodelon Joseph Talan and Seigfred Ofonda accumulated 25 points combined in a losing cause.

The Scores

First Game

Qualfon (71) – Regidor 19, Johnston 14, Llesol 7, Ignacio 6, Perez 6, Ligan 5, Sanchez 5, Cuico 4, Yap 3, Requillo 2

Aegis People Support (61) – Mendez 20, Roma 15, Dysam 11, Amarado 5, Gamallo 3, Arriesgado 2, Nayon 2, Yballe 2, Zanoria 1

Second Game

Teletech (61) – Abellanosa 14, Dalangin 12, Tejam 8, Rodis 6, Cabahug 5, Sultan 5, Anghay 4, Limpangog 3, Bano 2, Clemente 2

Lexmark (46) – Talan 14, Ofonda 11, Antiquera 6, Armamento 6, Villaluz 6, Perez 4, Agan 3, Morin 3, Fajardo 2, Ompud 1.  (FREEMAN NEWS)

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