Ponteras Farm downs RCAF for second win in Abella cagefest

CEBU, Philippines - The Ponteras Farm logged its second straight victory at the expense of RCAF, 75-70, in the 3rd Councilor Marvic Abella Cup 2010 basketball tournament at the Labangon covered court.

Timely baskets by Giber Amores and the able backing of Alexos Coros and Joshua Tabada, who scored crucial baskets in the closing minutes of the match, saved the day for the Ponteras Farm.

RCAF tied the count at 64-all and even managed to snatch the upperhand, 68-64, at the final 1:47 mark of the contest, but Ponteras quickly erased the deficit and eventually squeeze out a five-point victory.

Amores fired 21 points for Ponteras Farm, while Jong Wilbur led RCAF with 14 markers.

Earlier, Dodong Tapayan had 13 points as Gleam Signs upended Arm Connect, 63-55.

The scores

First game

Gleam Signs (63) - Tapayan 13, R. Lansang 11, Menesis 11, Pardenilla 7, Treyes 5, abella 4, Dacuyan 4, Batad 3, Quijada 3, Ibrada 1, A. Lansang 1

 Arm Connect (55) - I. Violango 14, Navaja 13. T. Violango 12, Honoguin 6, Mosqueda 4, Tabasa 2, Alvarez 2, Blearmino 2

Second game

Ponteras Farm (75) - Amores 21, W. Ponteras 13. Cersos 12, J. Tabasa 10, Pilarca 5, R. Restauro 4, Cinco 4, G. Ponteras 4. A. Tabasa 2

RCAF (70) - Wilbur 14, A. Tabsa 12, Bacaly 10, Alguno 6, Tapere 6, Faunillan 4, C. Tabasa 4, Dacuyan 4, Rodriguez 4, Lazarita 4, Sabucam 2  (FREEMAN NEWS)

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