The value of the alumni

Peterson Yap of Nissan Cebu sent me email yesterday about the fellowship golf tournament of the Cebu Kian Kee Alumni Association.

If you’re not familiar, well this is the former Cebu Christian Gospel School, which is now known as the Philippine Christian Gospel School.

I will be publishing the complete results of the event held last February 16 at the Cebu Country Club as soon as Peterson can give them to me.

The event was chaired by Justin Uy, the big boss of Profood International, who turned over a check of P200,000 to the alumni association and the school representing the funds they raised from the 18-hole event.

Peterson told me to check his Facebook page to see the pictures and there were indeed many friends and familiar faces among the participants.

There was Peterson’s dad, Peter, who has shifted to golf from bowling several years ago.

Other participants were Gabriel Yap, Jr., Sidney Po, Richard Li, Philip Huang, Ben Li, Cristino Lim, Philip Yap, Max Tan and Mark Dy.

The event was hosted by one of the school’s alumna, Nastasha Cang and then helping Peterson take the pictures was one of my favorite shooters several years ago – Paul Bryant Yu, who is shooting with a camera now.

Many probably don’t know that I used to hang out a lot in this school back in 1985 to 1986 to play volleyball as I had several friends, who also enjoyed playing the sport.

Among those I used to play with and I still see very often are Michael Yu and Neil Demerre.

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The involvement of the alumni is definitely a big help to the school not only for sports development, but in many other aspects.

I’ll stick to sports though lest I might again be tempted to discuss what happened in my own alma mater that faced the threat of being closed despite efforts by the alumni.

The sports programs of schools like Ateneo de Manila University and De La Salle University in Manila are successful because of the very active participation of the alumni.

Not too long ago, the alumni of Cebu Eastern College were seen in a newspaper photo giving the school’s basketball coach and staff an award for turning the fortunes of their dribblers around.

I also see such passion among the alumni of Sacred Heart School-Jesuit, who are now parents and are actively contributing their share for sports development.

While some schools may have huge budgets for sports, the involvement of the other members of the community is definitely a plus factor.

Hopefully schools would also realize the importance of the alumni and not look at them as merely a group of former students, who just want a say in what is happening in the institution that molded them into what they are today.

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MILESTONES: I’d like to extend happy birthday greetings to one of the most active members of Taytayan, the organization pushing for the preservation of Parian, Joy Uy, who turns a year older today.

The same goes to Cdr. Ferdinand Jose Rivera of the Philippine Navy as well as to Imma Fermin-Ongteco and Norman Davide Aragon.

Advance greetings go to my Tao brother Dr. Sherwin Ygnacio and Maria Carla ‘Long Hair’ Estella, who are both celebrating tomorrow.

Belated greetings also go to Leo ‘Oyel’ Bungubung of the Cebu Squad and Gray Knights Society, who celebrated yesterday.

 More power to all of you!   (FREEMAN NEWS)

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