Blue dumps BIR in USC-South Campus PTCA cagefest

CEBU, Philippines - The taller and faster USC-Blue led by former UC star and commercial veteran Alex Cainglet staged a furious fourth-quarter run to demolish the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) cagers, 77-57, at the start of the USC-South Campus PTCA, Inc. Sportsfest at the school’s covered court.

The best BIR could muster was to knot the score at 47-all as Cainglet and former USJ-R guard Frankie Lastimoso masterminded a blistering 30-10 rally in the windup to suddenly turn the once close encounter into a lopsided match.

Cainglet led USC-Blue with 22 points followed by Latimosa with 22.

Christopher Diamos netted 18 points, while skipper Yoli Meso and Leo Galvez carded in 10 markers apiece for BIR, which took a five-point edge, 22-17, after the first quarter. But USC-Blue responded with an 18-8 blast to grab the lead at halftime, 35-30, for good.

The scores

USC-Blue (77) - Cainglet 22, Lastimosa 20, Nioda 10, Nacua 4, Gayoso 4, Honoridez 4, Satorre 4, Abella 3, Arquilos 2, Melgo 2, Lara 2

BIR (57) - Diamos 18, Meso 10, Galvez 10, Bejemeno 8, California 6, Del Rosario 5 (GGM)   (FREEMAN NEWS)


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