Cabancalan bets rule maiden Jonas Cortes amateur boxing

CEBU, Philippines - Iligan City's Junel Gadapan drew the biggest applause, even as Cabancalan won four of its six entries during the inaugural Mayor Jonas Cortes Boxing at the Park Amateur Series over the weekend at the Mandaue Plaza Square.

Gadapan recorded the shortest victory in the 12-bout action, stopping Caintoy Boxing Club’s Erick Balikug in 39 seconds of the third round in their 63-kilogram battle.

Cabancalan Elementary School ’s Jenard Caspe and Vicente Seos-e Jr. joined Gadapan in the spotlight. Caspe scored a 3-0 whitewash of Philippine-Australian Boxing Club’s Kint Mike Tunacao in the lone 22 kgs. duel, while Seos-e dealt Phil-Australian Club’s Richard Rama the same beating in the 23 kgs.

CNHS contributed two wins, with 45 kgs. Wendel Acharon and Reoxyl Tabogon logging in a 3-0 shutout of Jessie Dignos of Flores Boxing Club and Albert Maluya of Cabancalan, respectively.

Sanai, for its part, ended with a 3-1 win-loss card. 42 kgs. bet Jerry Baoga beat Ferde San Roque, 39 kgs. Clinton Moya clobbered Eljun Aligado of PABC, and 45 kgs. Rejie Japay mauled Lapu-Lapu’s Alex Belonguel.

Talamban Elementary School’s Rammel Casanares, even on his lonesome, outpunched Sanai’s Ariel Jay Sibay in the 25 kgs. category.

The two combatants of Omega Boxing Club also hurdled their respective assignments against their Flores Boxing Gym counterparts. Jack Tepora whipped Mark Kevin Sorenio in the 42 kgs. class, while Romeo Orpanel tamed Charlie Pukdol in the 57 kgs. division. – Caecent No-ot Magsumbol (THE FREEMAN)

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