Independence and fatherhood

It’s quite ironic to lump independence and fatherhood in one piece as you lose your independence when you become a father.

Yesterday, we celebrated Independence Day but except maybe for the flags and the flag-raising activities in several areas, there hasn’t been much celebration.

This however doesn’t make us a lesser nation and a people and I continue to believe that there is hope for the Filipinos if only more of us will care.

One way to care for our nation is to care for our children and help mold them into better citizens.

We can do this by being better fathers and sharing the burden of raising the children with our spouses.

For many families this is difficult due to the fact that one or both parents have to leave the country to work abroad, but modern technology allows us to stay in touch more often without paying too much money.

To us who are lucky enough to be with our family, let us make the most out of it.

For my family, bonding through sports has been one of the best ways to spend time together. It could be watching competitions together or supporting one family member who is competing, or simply watching sports on TV.

Maybe the enjoyment of sports was one thing that I unintentionally imposed upon my family due to my work, but then I also found out that through the years of being together as a sporting family, we’ve learned to work together as one team in doing various tasks totally unrelated to sports.

Tasks like getting the kids ready for school very early in the morning to doing the dishes and cleaning up after meals.

Like doing sports, we also practice and do training. The things they learn from these sessions would come in handy as they grow older and face more challenges in life.

In sports, we start by doing the basics and move up the skills ladder as we become more proficient. The same is the story of life, but then it gets better when we spend time with our children and walk them through the basics like the way good coaches hone the skills of their players.

When I became a father, I might have lost my independence, but then I also gained so much even if I had to learn to change diapers, sing lullabies, and memorize nursery rhymes.

Nothing beats being a dad!

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Last week I was informed by my friend Allan Limas about a golf tournament set on the 27th at the Water Buffalo Golf Club in Sudlon, Lahug.

Yesterday, I received email from the host of the event, Freddie Salimbangon, who is celebrating his 50th birthday with a tournament that brings together his friends.

Freddie calls it as going back to the place where many Cebuanos first learned to play golf.

The biggest surprise to me was actually learning that Freddie is turning 50. You look so much younger than that buddy. I’m not saying this as an excuse to miss the event, but I still have to check my schedule for the next two weekends hehehe…

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MILESTONES: Happy birthday to Joel Anthony Co, who was once one of the most popular stars of Cebu’s collegiate basketball scene, as he turns a year older today.

The same goes to former colleagues at The Freeman Jonji Gonzales and Marivir Montebon, who are also celebrating today.

More power!

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