PBA star Miranda to grace grad rites of Jugan cage clinic

CEBU, Philippines - Over 200 aspiring hoopters will formally graduate today from the free basketball clinic conducted by former Far Eastern University (FEU) Tamaraws star guard Paul Alelu Q. Flores in Brgy. Jugan, Consolacion.

Aside from the fundamentals of the sport such as proper passing, dribbling, shooting and footwork, Flores said he also instill in the minds of the youngsters who took part in the month-long cage clinic the value of discipline and hardwork.

“I’m very strict with regards to implementing discipline during the training camp. It is very important because how can they become good and model players if don’t know how to follow instructions. I inculcated in their minds that as players, they should not work on their own and at all times abide by what the coach instruct them to do,” said Flores.

To further give meaning for today’s affair that will promptly start at 10:00 in the morning at the Jugan Gym, Flores invited his close buddy and PBA star Denok Miranda of Sta. Lucia Realty to grace the simple graduation rites.

“I invited Miranda to attend the graduation ceremony for him to serve as inspiration to these young athletes who aspire to become hardcourt stars someday,” said Flores, who played alongside Miranda in steering the FEU Tamaraws to the UAAP men’s championship in 2004.

The other prominent teammates of Flores who are now making waves in the pro league include Arwind Santos, Mark Isip, R-Jay Rizada, Jeff Chan, and Jonas Villanueva.

Flores said he spearheaded the free cage clinic in his hometown so he can impart all the technical know-how he learned while shooting hoops in Manila to the young ones who wanted to follow in his footsteps and dream to make it big in the future.

Flores was assisted in running the training camp by coaches Jay Arana and Brian Burlaos and all the members of the Consolacion Selection.

Organized by Ulpiano “Ulping” Cabahug, Jr., the worthwhile undertaking was made possible through the all-out support of the Jugan barangay council led by Brgy. Capt. Diosdada Gielczyk and councilors Boboy Pepito, Tony Pepito, Dado Ygot, Josie Cabahug, Jaime Pilapil, Dodo Bermejo, and Pila Querubin. — EBV (THE FREEMAN)

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