Surban sizzles in San Fran m'bike tourney

CEBU, Philippines - Fresh from a victory in Brunei, Nino Surban racked up another impressive triumph as he collared the premiere open elite title of the 4th Mayor Al Arquillano Mountainbike Challenge with relative ease under a technical racetrack in San Francisco, Camotes yesterday.

Surban, who said the race course was similar to that of the ASEAN Mountainbike Championships in Brunei Darrusalam, finished the close to 2-kilometer per lap race in one hour, 26 minutes and 42.99 seconds, way ahead of second placer Albert Basirgo who clocked in 1:36:39.5.

Randy Carbonera, the inaugural champion of the event, landed third this time with the time of 1:41:13.21, while his brother Roy came out fifth with a 1:47:52.52 clocking. Felomeno Amago claimed the fourth spot in 1:41:16.78.

Earlier, Roy Carbonera was also outsmarted by the younger John Mier in the junior-senior category, while Gino Basirgo landed third.

Veteran cyclist Nilo Barbalose ruled the masters division with Emilito Quebec and Ben Fabroa finishing second and third.

Jezril Ramoneda got the executive class title over Ome Rodriguez, while Sonny Boy Catubay won the golden boy ’ division against Sixto Yabo. The fastest among the fat boys was Roel Hinayas.

Michael Pilapil stole part of the limelight in this Sports and Fitness Enthusiasts(SAFE)-officiated event after topping the beginners class over former RP triathlete Rowan Fernandez and Bryan Luzano.

Ramon Espinosa, Jun Endrina and Jonases Alicaway completed the winners' circle after taking away the top three positions, respectively, in the veterans class. – Caecent No-ot Magsumbol (THE FREEMAN)

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