Playing with the stars

Tiger Woods returned to the golf course with a complete golf set with him, but not as a player, but as a caddy.

If you don’t believe me, then I appreciate the fact that you read this column and nothing else since it is all over the sports pages of the newspapers today and even in the major television networks.

How would you like to have Tiger caddy for you? 

The lucky guy, who won the raffle to have Tiger tote his bag was John Abel of New Jersey. I wonder what was going on in the guy’s mind while he was getting tips from the world’s best golfer today and probably of all time.

If you ask me whether I’d want to have Tiger as caddy, I’d say no, but I’ll surely say yes if it’s Natalie Gulbis of the LPGA Tour. If we’re dreaming then let’s shoot for the stars.

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I do remember doing an article about one’s dream round of golf and who would be the foursome more than a decade ago.

Most of the people then answered that they’d like the world’s top golfers to play with in that round.

There were some who wanted their dream Hollywood actresses to be with them while a few said that they’d rather play with their closest friends or the top world leaders.

I’m sure if I’d do the same survey again, there would be similar replies of course with newer names for the world leaders and the top golfers.

I’m sure many would opt to play with the LPGA pros. Who would you want to be in your foursome for a dream round of golf?

This isn’t a formal survey, but you can text me your replies or email them to It would be interesting to know from you.

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As sports fans we love to meet the top athletes and coaches and maybe get an autograph or be photographed with them.

In my younger days I’d say I was a voracious reader of sports stories and have idolized many heroes both local and international hoping that someday I’d get to meet them.

This is probably the reason why it was a very easy decision to become a sportswriter and to stay as one as long as I can. 

When I get invited to talk about my work as a media practitioner, the best part would always be when I discuss the job of a sportswriter. I get to watch events, enjoy them, tell the people about them, and get paid.

I get to meet my sporting idols or heroes that others can only dream of coming near to. I can ask questions and get them to answer me.

I even get to join events and play with the real stars and become their friend. I also get advanced information and some extra information that others don’t get to know.

My fellow sportswriters have the same experience and this is the reason why you see us as a happy bunch of men and women.

If you are a sports fan and knows how to write, sportswriting could be a career for you.

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MILESTONES: Happy birthday to my old friend Dominic Celocia, who turns a year older today. The same goes to Darlene Quibir, who we call our foster sis.

Belated birthday greetings go to Glenn Anthony O, Soco, president of the Cebu Volleyball Association (CEVA), who turned a year older last Monday.

More power to all of you!

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