World Heart Day Run

CEBU - With the cost of medicine and hospitalization encouraging us to make sure we live a healthy lifestyle or else we’ll die dirt poor, doing physical activity to help keep us fit is becoming a must.

My favorite heart surgeon, Dr. Peter Y. Mancao, sent me an email a couple of weeks ago that I’d like to share with the running enthusiasts and those who’d like to have a healthier heart.

Doc Peter is inviting everyone to join the World Heart Day 5K and 10K run on September 28.

Allow me to reprint the text of his email for you to know more details:

The Philippine Heart Association Cebu Chapter in celebration of World Heart Day will be holding a 5K and 10K Fun Run on Sunday September 28 , 2008 at 6:00 am. The assembly area will be at the Cebu Doctors’ University Gym at the corner of Gov M. Roa and Maria Cristina St . Technical support for the event will be provided by the Cebu Road Runners Club. This year’s race director is Dr. Alex Junia.

World Heart Day 2008 - ‘Know Your Risk’ - is a call to action to help people better understand their personal risk for cardiovascular disease, including hypertension (high blood pressure). It will be held on Sunday, 28 September.

Heart health screening and other activities for the public are being planned in over one hundred countries worldwide.

Heart disease and stroke is the world’s largest killer, claiming 17.5 million lives each year. That’s why World Heart Day was created, to create public awareness of risk factors for heart disease and stroke and to promote preventive measures.

The theme of this year’s World Heart Day is “Know Your Risk!” Organized by World Heart Federation members and partners, World Heart Day activities include free heart health screenings, walks, runs, fitness events, public talks, scientific forums, exhibitions, concerts, sports tournaments and much more.

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I also received an email yesterday from Manang Mary Anne Alcordo-Solomon about the different cancer theme for each month.

For September, it is the liver cancer awareness month and October, which is very close to Manang Me-anne’s heart, is the breast cancer awareness month. She is a breast cancer survivor just like my mother-in-law Herminiana G. Reyes.

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After winning the Tour de France, the world’s most prestigious bicycle race, a record seven times, cancer survivor Lance Armstrong is eyeing a comeback to go for an eighth title.

At 36 years old, many might consider Lance too old to do this. Maybe 36 is old for the tough Tour de France and I am no expert like Dr. JV Araneta, who can pull your teeth as smoothly as he writes a weekly cycling column, but there are two words that I’d like to share with you – I believe.

Lance has done it all and his feat as a champion has inspired many cancer patients, survivors, and their family and friends to believe that the Big C can be conquered.

I look forward to Lance’s return to the TdF and let us all do our share in the fight against cancer in whatever little way we can.

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MILESTONE: Belated birthday greetings to Estrella Cervantes of Sun Cellular, who turned a year older yesterday.

More power to you!- The Freeman

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