Playing with my peers

CEBU - Finally, after so many attempts, we were able to play Monday night at the USC-North Campus gym.

On my way to the court, Raffy Uytiepo darted from the foot walk and we strolled together to the gym. When we came, there were already some Monday Club players on the court playing. After gazing around to look for familiar faces, we saw Rico Navarro and Jonas Panerio.

Rico and Jonas have already played a game and were just cooling their heels on the bench. After changing, I have to write my name on the list so I could play.

In the bench with Rico were Manny Villaruel and Edri Aznar. When I looked into the list, we were bunch together so I guess we’ll be playing together. In between plays, Jonas was shooting some baskets in the other court. Raffy and I joined him later after I was done with my stretching. As Jonas was hitting some baseline jumpers, I couldn’t help admire the hook shots of my ‘tukayo.’ I didn’t count the baskets he made but I think he hit a couple of those vintage shots. He has to beg off though because of his knees and never joined the game, his knees he said won’t be able to hold.

Finally, it was time to play. There were three of us – Manny, Edri and me. Two other guys from the Monday Club made up our team.

After our rivals made a lay-up from the jumpball, it was our turn to make an attempt. As we didn’t know who plays who, Edri brought the ball to the top of the key and found Manny on the left side of the court. I saw the play develop, cut to the basket and got a pass from Manny for a twinner. I have to make that basket after Manny’s beautiful pass!

Our next possession I was able to sneak in a lay-up despite the outstretched arms of defenders in the paint. However, there better slashing moves from Edri. He was able to split the defenses for lay-ups or drawing fouls many a times during the game. Before the night ended, we christened him “Steve Nash.”

Manny, for his part, showed his shooting touch from beyond the arc. I think he hit a few of those treys.

Later, John Pages, Jun Migallen, Jinggo Quijano came in. After just a few minutes on the bench, they were at center court. This time, Jonas joined them to make it more of the Sportswriters Association of Cebu (SAC) team.

For their first possession, Jinggo brought the ball down and orchestrated a semblance of a play. In my mind, I was taking notes. I think I just found my other point guard. In another possession, John drove to the basket eluding a taller player. He didn’t make the shot but the form was there. A few more plays later, John hit a jumper from the left court!

In another play, Jun hit a long trey, which touched off a few others of those looping, beautifully stroke missiles! Jonas showed he could drive hard to the basket and hit his FTs.

A few minutes more Mike Limpag came. He didn’t play but his presence was all we needed.

Before we left the gym, we picked our minds and discussed the need to get more guys that could help in rebounding. We still need a lot of practice but then we concluded that if we have some help - we could be a good team. We also talked about the forthcoming Sports Trivia Quiz at Ayala and our group presentation during the Press Freedom Week.

I strolled home after practice and while I was walking, I felt good in my heart after playing with my peers. I may not be able to score a bucket when we play but I’m willing to do little things for the team. I believe the others shared the same feeling!

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Kudos to Dr. Renald Ramiro and other doctors who make up PARM Visayas. The organization recently found and helped Josephine Isito - a 40-year-old polio and breast cancer patient at Miller Hospital – through the organization’s illness fund. This fund was raised by runners who joined last year’s MOVE 5K Run. The next running event for PARM is the Masskara Run in Bacolod City on Oct. 19 and the Heroes Run on Nov. 30 here in Cebu. Let’s support these worthy events!

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