Merry Running Month

May is considered one of the merriest month in the calendar. It is also the runningest this year. I was also born in the month of May (“pero sorry folks, walay lechon”). In the Global City 10K Run held two weeks ago at the Fort in Taguig, Runex founding member Fidel Ringor said the club is celebrating its 25th anniversary on May 4. And that they will mark with a 10K run in UP Diliman in Quezon City. At the same race, I also met Runners Confederation of the Philippines (RUNCPI) Cesar Contreras who said Champion Sportswear will stage the Champion Run, Run Along the River on May 11 along the Marikina River. While on May 18, the Pasig City Running Club-organized “Takbo Para Sa Kalusugan “blast off at the Ultra in Pasig City. I still have to confirm yet another race, the New Balance Power Run on May 25 also at Global City in Fort Bonifacio. Wow! that’s four races in as many Sundays. Meanwhile here in Cebu, the Mandaue City 10K Run is scheduled on May 4 at the Mandaue City Sports Complex. Then also in May 18, there’s another 10K run organized by the Ilocano Club. That’s indeed a lot of running to do, but just pick the one that appeal to you most. It could be heavy for an ordinary employee or worker to shell our P150.00 for each race. In fact one runner said “Palit nalang ko ug bugas”.

Injury And Recovery

As I wrote in previous columns. An injury is an athlete worst nightmare. Take my case for instance, a recurrent knee injury (torn ligament) sidelined me for almost six months. It went to the point that I couldn’t even run a kilometer. Just when I’m about to give up, a ray of hope surfaced, I was feeling a bit better. Well maybe, the weeks that I rested plus the therapy really worked wonders. So in that Global City 10K Run, I tested my knee and joined the 5K category. I was like a beginner or a baby making his first few steps. Despite the over 200 races that I have joined since I started running 30 years ago.  A grizzled veteran, I was soon overtaking a lot of runners as soon as I got my confidence back. I could have run faster had I not joined the 78-year old Ringor. Ringor promise to come to Cebu with his Runnex Club next year for the Sinulog Marathon. When the smoke cleared, I look at my watch, 29 minutes, still a far cry from my personal best of 19 minutes, but all that matters is that I’m slowly crawling back. While I’m ecstatic over my comeback, I also feel sorry for my other club members who are also hobbling with injuries. After some x-rays, Serge Amora said he has Achilles tendon problems. Bone spurs has made running for Serge a painful experience. Sergs finished the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon last February. John Pages continues to run in pain after being diagnosed with iliotibial band syndrome, an inflammation on the outside of the knee; the IT band runs along the outside of the thigh, and rubs against the large bone, the femur. John said after running just 2 kilometers, the pain occurs. Meyrick Jackalan, another Hong Kong Marathon veteran has thyroid problem that has kept him from the roads. CERC president Jesse Taburada said he’s also feeling pain in his Achilles heel. However, runners will always come back for more. If things turn for the worse, there’s always Dr. Renald Ramiro to check on your injuries. By the way, Doc Ren celebrated his birthday yesterday and foot the bill during our weekly Sunday breakfast at Sugangan Restaurant. When asked for his age, Doc Ren said it’s a caliber of the gun Magnum, the one used by Dirty Harry.

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