Camporedondo, Buenacosa lead winners in Dumaguete netfest


Cyril Camporendondo and Kristel Mae Buenacosa became the winngest players in the Dumaguete leg of the Headpenn Tennis Tour.Camporendo and Buenacosa both won their division’s 16-under titles and finished runners-up in the 18-under category.
The 16-year-old Camporendondo, a CVIRAA bronze medalist in the 18-under category, won the boys 16-under title after CVIRAA elementary champion Fritz Satera decided not to play the finals due to exhaustion.
Before the finals of the 16-under event, Satera played in the 14-under finals, which he lost to Reid Tungopon. Satera took the first 6-4, but retired in the second set due to cramps. Tungopon was leading that set 4-2.
Camporedondo, made a run for a double, but lost to Joseph Abrot 2-6, 4-6, in the boys 18-under.
On the other hand, Kristel Mae Buenacosa equaled her province mate’s feat by winning the girls 16-under title and finishing runner-up in the 18-under category.
Buenacosa dumped Ronalyn Singson in the 16-under 6-4, 6-4 but lost to fellow Cebuana Macy Solon in the 18-under finals 6-2, 6-2. 
Another Cebuano, Geofrey Seno also settled with a runner-up finish after bowing to Ryle Domingo in the 10-under category, 7-5, 6-2.
After Dumaguete, the Cebuanos will proceed to Bacolod for the next leg of the Headpenn Tour. —Caecent No-ot Magsumbol

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