Deal or No Deal?

Perhaps by this time, the Jason Kidd deal had been settled and three big-time transactions just loaded up the NBA Western Conference. The trading deadline ends on Friday and aside from the recent Mike Bibby deal to Atlanta, several other noteworthy transactions are in the works.

The next big target on the market is Sacramento’s Ron Artest and the Denver Nuggets are ironing out details on the deal. Carmelo Anthony was said to be publicly clamoring for Artest to change zip codes and management are offering a package that includes Linas Klieza, Eduardo Najera and a first-round pick. They are also interested in acquiring Memphis Grizzlies guard Kyle Lowry for Von Wafer plus a first-round pick.

Mike Miller is being wooed out of Memphis by the Clippers for Sam Cassell and Aaron Williams. The Grizzlies want the Clippers’ 2008 first-round pick and the Clips are not biting. Likewise, Cleveland has also shown interest in Miller.

The twice-crowned three-point king, Toronto’s Jason Kapono is on the trading block but the $19 million in his contract spread over three years might send shivers to most of the teams. If only he has the star power, the $19 million is loose change. Orlando needs to shore up on their frontline and Pat Garrity’s expiring contract is being baited.

Seeing that the crowd is getting bigger in the post, San Antonio should be shopping for more size to match up with Dallas, Phoenix and the Lakers. The return of Tony Parker from injury should make their lineup back to full strength but they still need more help. Brent Barry’s contract is expiring and they had talks with Philadelphia for Kyle Corver and Atlanta for Josh Childress but both deals didn’t push thru.

As always, it still is a wild, wild Western Conference with teams continuing to load up on their squad till the end of the trading deadline.


Congratulations to the great performances of the Cebuano runners in last Sunday’s Standard Chartered Hongkong Marathon. The running doctors also did well and finished in their respective categories. Local marathon king and queen, Mendel Lopez and Leiszl Getaruelas respectively made it to the top five of their separate divisions. I had wanted sportswriter John Pages to also survive the race but leg cramps got in the way. Oh well, those things happen bro. Redemption will come in the next marathon. Conquer and rule!

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