5th Thirsty Football Festival: SRFC booters, Bright Academy, Don Bosco XI make history

The San Roque Football Club (SRFC) booters emerged as the first ever champion in the 40-above category of the 5th Thirsty Football Festival yesterday at the Cebu City Sports Center.

SRFC defeated Springdale Dads Football Club to top the said category, which was included for the first time in the five-year history of the annual tilt.

Also, Bright Academy Football Club lady booters made history as the inaugural champion in the Girls-14 division. They conquered SRFC in the final match. Bright Academy’s Jessica Knight went home with the coveted MVP award.

Not wanting to be outdone, the University of San Carlos (USC) Lady Warriors overpowered SRFC to clinch the first event tiara in the Girls-19 class.

Don Bosco College, on the other hand, seized two crowns via the Boys 12 and Boys 14. The Bosconians bested PAREF Springdale Football Club to rule the Boys 12 and then beat Cebu International School (CIS) to lord it over in Boys 14.

The Bosconians, however, did not succeed in wrapping up more title. They lost to Giuseppe Football Club in the Players 6 finale and then bowe to PAREF Springdale in the Players 10 championship.

Action of the three-day football carnival sponsored by Thirsty Juices and Shakes will resume early this morning still at the same venue.

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