Thank you!

Since I started to earn some money back in 1989 when I became a correspondent of this paper paid on a per piece basis for my stories and photos, I have made it a point to play Santa to members of our family during Christmas.

It's the joy of giving that makes me rush to the stores whenever I have some money and bring some cheer to the members of our family. When I got married back in 1995, I had a partner in gift giving as my wife, Evelyn, also enjoy it as much as I do.

It's two days since Christmas, but that doesn't mean we can't anymore wish people dear to us and those who mean much to us, our best wishes.

More than sharing our blessings, this is also a time to thank those who have done you a good deed or even more during the year. Well, it does not mean that you forget what they've done for you after Christmas, but it is a good time to remember.

To all those who made 2006 a better year and those who have been there through the best and worst of times, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

To all those whom I have slighted and hurt, I apologize for causing pain, but maybe it was also for a purpose or maybe I was just wasn't Christian enough.

To those whom we shared our laughters over cups of coffee or simply during light moments, thanks for being there to share the joy.

To the athletes who gave us sportswriters a reason for our existence, thanks for a job well done and to those who did not do too well, I hope that you can do much better.

To the sports patrons, who helped ensure that there are events to cover and venues for the athletes to display their wares, thank you very much for sharing your blessings.

To my fellow sporting parents, 2006 was a great year, but then we can always do better in 2007.

I remember how my son cried when his former football coach snubbed him and refused to allow him to join practices, but despite the hurt, it became a learning process and a test of patience to follow the rules that have been set.

Parents should not meddle with the job of the coaches and although some sneered at me for not doing anything or for simply just turning our back and moving on to another school. I believe I did what was right and hope that more parents would realize that trying to meddle does not help make our kids better.

To my fellow workers at The Freeman who have made life both easier and harder in the daily grind, thank you for helping keep me sharp in my work and for your cooperation so we can attain our common goals.

To the management of The Freeman, thank you for giving me a chance to find my little niche in this industry.

To my family that has been understanding of the demands of my chosen profession, thank you for being there always in the best and worst moments. Thank you for bearing with my tantrums when the pressure of work gets in the way, but most of all thank you for the love that you have given that makes coming home always something to look forward to.

The year that is about to pass has been a great one no matter what trials we may have all passed.

There will be more trials to face, but then that is part of life. The challenge of hurdling these obstacles that block our way should be something that would keep us looking forward to the next day.

Thank you very much to all that made 2006 what it had been.
* * *
I was in bed early on Christmas eve due to the flu and I'd like to thank all those who sent Christmas messages via text for remembering me and my family in this holy season.

Let us continue to share our blessings - material or otherwise - to the less fortunate and help make each day feel like Christmas!

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