Alta Vista seizes Sta. Lucia Golf Tour lead

There's no place like home.

Alta Vista Golf and Country Club seized the lead in the battle for overall club honors after the second leg of the Sta. Lucia Golf Tour 2006, which it hosted Friday and Saturday.

The Cebuanos have amassed a total of 69 points with biog victories in the three divisions contested. Davao's Palos Verdes, the leader after the first leg, which it also hosted, dropped to second with 65 followed by Eagle Ridge with 61.

Alta Vista 1 repeated its victory in Davao with a two-day effort of 296 points on rounds of 140 and 156 to rule Group I.

Enrico Solon opened with 45 points, but made it big in the second day shooting two-under-par 56 to lead the team. Also counting in the second round were Dennis Canoy with an even-par 54 and Victor Gocela with 46. Agapito Suan, Jr. shot 44 points.

The tournament format calls for a team to field a maximum of four players with only the three best to count for the team total.

Runner-up honors went to Alta Vista 2 with 293 points on rounds of 147 and 146. Gene Aznar led the team yesterday with 52 points and was backed by Koichi Horii with 48 and Kim Kwang Seok with 46. The 39 of Poch Lamug did not count. Kim had an outstanding opening round of 55, but failed to sustain his momentum.

The Group II title went to Alta Vista 3 with 292 points (148-144). Edwin Espina led the team in the second round with 53 points while Alex Garcia made 46 and Jun Dayot added 45. The 38 of Evans Tumaliwan did not count.

Runner-up honors for Group II went to Alta Vista 6 with 279 (140-139). Jufil Sato fired 53 points to lead the team on the second round and was backed by Victor Yuvallos with 44 and Nestor Mendoza with 42. Nolan Rada made 40 and did not count.

Royale Tagaytay 3 was the only team to break into the winner's circle outside of the host club. The team topped Group III with a total of 242 on rounds of 114 and 128. The team was composed of Norberto Badenas, Jose Mendoza, Francisco Suzara, and Nelson Chua.

Alta Vista 12 took the runner-up honors with 231 (108-123). Mariano Selma led the team during the second round with 47 points and was backed by Johnny Siao's 40 and the 36 of Andrew Si. Mayor Antonio Canoy fired 34, which did not count. Alfonso Marcelino of Palos Verdes 1 topped the Championship division battle for individual honors with 102 points (51-51) while runner-up honors went to Enrico Solon with 101 (45-56). Dennis Canoy of Alta Vista 1 topped class A with 104 (50-54) and Jufil Sato of Alta Vista 6 was runner-up with 101 (48-53).

The class B plum went to Alex Garcia of Alta Vista 3 with 97 (51-46) with Rogelio Lo of Alta Vista 7 as runner-up shooting 95 (47-48).

Hansel Ong of Alta Vista 4 topped class C with 85 (41-44) while Nestor Mendoza of Alta Vista 6 was runner-up with 84 (42-42).

Timothy Brodeth of Palos Verdes 4 topped class D with 84 (44-40) and runner-up was Joselito Maghirang of Eagle Ridge 10 with 82 (40-42).

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