Famor, Spark Kleen to beat in RECYCLE 4th leg today

Noel "Nowing" Famor and team Spark Kleen are the one's to beat as the RECYCLE Cycling Series unfolds its fourth leg at the Mandaue City Reclamation area this morning.

Famor snatched the overall lead even as he only finished fourth behind Ricky Ermitanio during the third leg after collecting 53 points

Team Lapu-lapu-Rut's Richard Patalinghug and another Spark Kleen rider, Stephen Chian is at second and third places with identical 46 points.

Ian Colina under Team Velonauts occupied the fourth spot with 38 points while Ricky Ermitanio is fifth with 30 points.

In the team classification, Spark Kleen is way up with 96 points, 18 points up ahead of Lapulapu/RUT.

The Velonauts occupied the third spot with 74 points while team Kalit is at fourth spot with 57 points as former leader Super Climbers was relegated to fifth spot with 53 and Yawkoy at sixth place with 46 points in this event supported by Spark Kleen, Glenn Rasco of Tuburan and Architect Miguel Flores of VELLUM Cycles.

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