A victory

Even before a punch has been thrown, the Philippines can already claim victory in the Manny Pacquiao-Erik Morales fight tomorrow.

We're not talking about the elections here where the results can be predetermined, but we're talking about another kind of victory.

To tell you honestly, I am much worried about Pacquiao's chances in the bout. While we may have been bombarded by all sorts of press releases from his camp about almost everything that has happened in his preparations for the fight, we cannot discount the possibility that the battle could go the way of Morales again.

I am definitely not hoping for that though.

The victory that I am talking about here is the fact that Pacquiao will once again unite our nation.

I'm very sure that as we anxiously wait for the outcome of the bout tomorrow, all boundaries that have separated us as a people - politics, creed, religion, economic status, and many more, will not matter. All that would matter to us is that a countryman is on top of the ring trying to bring honor to the Philippines.

The task of Pacquiao is so big that, it even appears he is carrying the whole nation on his shoulders. That is what worries me so much.

The unseen pressure from the people to the man we call "our champion" to win the bout is so huge that it can probably make lesser mortals break down.

So far, Pacquiao has proven that he can handle it, but then it will be so much different once he climbs up the ring.

I hope he can make it and win it for the Filipinos.

Nevertheless, Pacquiao is already a hero with the fact that he has brought us Filipinos together.

Rarely do we get to agree on one thing as a people, but when it comes to Pacquiao, we don't argue. We just cheer for him and feel so proud as a people when he wins.

I believe that there would be people putting their money on Morales, but deep inside they are hoping for Pacquiao to win.

The feeling is just different when you see a countryman take the spotlight at the world stage. Pacquiao has done that a lot of times and I hope that tomorrow, he will do it again.

How I wish we can have more Pacquiaos or maybe more chances to really be one nation, undivided by anything.

We always complain that our country is not good enough. What have we done for our country in the first place?

Tomorrow's battle may only be a boxing match, but it means a lot to our nation and its people.

Go Pacquiao! Go Philippines!
* * *
MILESTONE: Happy birthday to my compadre Engr. William Sienes II, who turns a year older today.

More power to you and to Manny Pacquiao!

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