Twenty records fall in Dewfoam powerlifting

The 8th Dewfoam Southern Philippines Powerlifting Championships came to a close yesterday with a total of 20 records established at Robinson's Place-Cebu.

Fourteen of the 20 meet and national records set were done yesterday.

Baseline broke its silence after three of its bets topped in their respective classes.

Jethro Estimo led Baseline after establishing not only a Southern Philippines total lift record in the 125+ class, but also an RR record with his 272.5 kilograms lift.

Aside from that, Estimo's victory was spiced up with a Southern Philippines record in the bench press, lifting 120kgs and 225kgs in the squat.

Arthur Genson, for his part, established a new mark in the Southern Philippines' 90kgs class deadlift at 240kgs.

Jay Carillo was never left behind after posting two records also in the Southern Philippines' 82.5kgs after lifting 150kgs in the bench press and posting a total lift of 235.5kgs.

Also, Kristine-A's Armando Nadela now owned the meet record of the 67.5kgs class squat with a 190.5kgs effort.

OCPA's Eric Paglinawan also joined the record breakers with three marks to his credits.

Paglinawan, who is also under the 67.5kgs division posted a National Master-I record, lifting 175kgs in the squat, the deadlift for a total of 475kgs.

Another OCPA bet, Mat Hindoy dominated the 75kgs class while teammate Gerry Penserga won the 110kgs.division.

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