Eden Diano rules E-Mall chess tilt

Eden Diano figured out in a draw with his brother Harold in the final round, but it was just enough for him to snatch the 2nd E-Mall Chess Challenge last Saturday at the Elizabeth Mall Food Square.

Playing in black, Eden equaled Harold's moves to accumulate a total of 6.5 points and pocketed P3,000.

Anthony Makinano dumped Francisco Abugho to score 6.0 points, but shares the same mark with Harold, Jobannie Tabada and Edwel Alesna.

However, with a higher tie-break of 24.5 points Makinano finished second place to receive P2,000.

Harold settled for third place while Tabada, who beat Carlos Moreno III, and Alesna who won over Rodrigo Alejandro wound up fourth and fifth place, respectively.

William Retanal, Jr. on the other hand, ranked sixth place, followed by the National Shell Active Junior Chess runner-up Kim Steven Yap of the University of San Carlos, Carlo Saludsod, Francisco Abugho and Moreno II.- Sona Mae V. Povadora

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