I'd like 2Go back

There is always a good reason 2Go golfing. Yesterday, 2Go gave their friends from Cebu and Manila a very good reason to spend the day at the golf course while keeping abreast with the latest situation in the National Capital.

Even the weather cooperated during the 2Go Invitational Golf Tournament since for the first time in days there were no showers that would dampen our spirits. The fairways of Cebu Country Club may have been a little wet after days of raining, but that did not exactly make it a bad day for golf.

One thing that I'm sure the participants would be looking forward to is an annual 2Go Golf Tournament, which I'm sure we will again find time to join.

Whether "2Go or not 2Go?" is out of the question. If I get invited again, I will definitely be there and will make sure to come earlier.
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Just like me you are probably asking the question what will happen next? The political turmoil that our country is experiencing again makes us worry about what tomorrow will bring for us.

It will take several hours between writing this column and the newspapers hitting the streets and for sure there will be a lot of developments during that period.

If there is one thing that we ought to do at this time it is to pray and not allow ourselves to be used by those who'd like to take advantage of the situation.

I'd like to focus on sports now, but it's hard to do that with what is happening in Manila. Is there still a future for us Filipinos?

I strongly believe there is if we just care to do things the way they ought to be done. We can start with little things that we just don't care much about like throwing trash just anywhere or crossing the street where we are not supposed to do so.

There are also stuff like disregarding the traffic lights at night and turning a blind eye on little acts of corruption.

We complain about how bad our leaders are, but elect them during elections anyway. The good candidates would never get a chance to win, because those who could have helped them decide not to because it's too much to do.

If you don't care about our country and have done nothing to make a difference then why complain?

We cannot be a nation of fence sitters who will readily jump to the other side once the other one is in trouble.

I am very proud to be a Cebuano as we have always proven to the rest of the country what unity can do for our city and province. Let's bring out the Cebuano force again and show to the rest of the nation that we can take the lead in helping our country find the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.
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MILESTONE: So much for politics.

I'd like to greet my aunt, Eva Frasco Quiñones, who has been like a mother to me, a very happy birthday!

Auntie Eva is my father's younger sister and is our do-it-all aunt, who we can always rely on for a lot of things. She can help you solve math problems, clean up your English and believe it or not, she even painted our old house single-handedly several times in the past.

More power!

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