Journos told: Wield power by upholding truth

26th Cebu Press Freedom Week
CEBU, Philippines — “Truth alone can sustain trust and belief. Truth alone can transform belief into power.”
These were the words of Cebu Auxiliary Bishop Dennis Villarojo as he celebrated a Mass with journalists and media workers Sunday to open this year’s Cebu Press Freedom Week.
In his homily, Villarojo reminded newsmen to be always conscious of the power they wield – that it must be anchored on truth at all times.
“People believe in what you say. You have credibility. You are trustworthy,” he said.
“The truth, the basis of your power. It’s not a possession held in the palm of your hand. You do not make the truth. You are only witnesses of the truth as it unfolds,” he said.
The truth, he said, is what makes spells the difference.
“By sleight of hand or by clever arguments, truth is made to appear false, and lies begin to sound convincing. There are times when truth is mocked and made an object of contempt, turning every statement into a joke, so that no one may be held accountable for what is said,” he continued.
Upholding the truth is never more crucial than today, Villarojo said, pointing the ability of people to incite fear just to hold power.
“By a barrage of profanity, one can bully somebody into submission and acquiescence,” he said.
“Given a choice between good and evil, they can choose to do evil, in the hope that good may come out of it. This is the most tragic thing that can happen to truth. Truth cannot perish, but conscience can die. And when conscience is dead, truth becomes a widow,” said Villarojo.
Choose good
He reminded local journalists that the real essence of press freedom, for one, is “to do what is right, even when everybody thinks it is wrong.”
“To tell the truth, even if no one believes it. To say it properly and respectfully, even if it may sound banal and trite. To keep the truth in memory, even if everyone has forgotten it. To hold all men and women accountable for their actions, and yes, even if they are men and women of the Catholic Church. No one, after all, is exempt from the glare of truth,” he said.
This year’s opening ceremony was held at the Social Hall of the Provincial Capitol.
The Cebu Press Freedom Week is an annual event that brings together news organizations in Cebu to discuss issues in journalism and media a whole. It is also a time that they set competition aside and have fun as an industry.
Yesterday, the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster sa Pilipinas won the Bruno Mars-themed dance competition, followed by The Freeman, Cebu Daily News, and SunStar.
KBP also won the media volleyball tournament with The Freeman placing second and Cebu Daily News third.
Meanwhile, CDN’s Raul Constantine Tabanao and The Freeman’s Mitzi Ambrad are this year’s Mr. and Ms. Cebu Press Freedom. (FREEMAN)
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