Capitol asked, Prioritize poverty alleviation

CEBU, Philippines - Representatives of different stakeholders yesterday presented to the provincial government various projects and improvements they hope would be prioritized in the coming years.

But among the many suggestions raised by the different sectors, good governance and social responsibility and accountability was the similar point raised.

During the pre-summit workshop yesterday with stakeholders and the provincial government, sectoral representatives were made to choose their priority areas between environment, good governance, wealth creation, social responsibility and accountability, education, skills and learning, community and family, food and water security and public health, sanitation and hygiene.

The sectoral presentations and plenary recommendations came from the agriculture, households, cooperatives, developers, producers and the transport sector.

Among the priority areas raised were also specific concerns which the sectors stressed would be a big help for them if given priority by the government.

Governor Hilario Davide III noted that all the concerns led to the aim to alleviate poverty in the province.

“We commit to deliver efficient professional services, appropriate legislation, effective stakeholder cooperation and good governance that result in sustainable generation and equitable allocation of resources, adapting to changing environment and better quality of life for all,” said Davide, adding that they would start this with what the people needs the most.

He noted on the intensifying health care benefits through Philhealth especially to the more vulnerable sector like the elderly, women and children.  

Davide said he has asked the Integrated Provincial Health Office to prepare a study on facilities, equipments and personnel of the province that will push for better health services. He also added on an on-going discussion they are having with the Department of Science and Technology and the Department of Health for a tie-up on the “RxBox” project.

The project will let chosen district hospitals to access to specific skills of the doctors and consultants in the Philippine General Hospital.

“This experiment will be conducted in just a few provinces in the country, but I have been assured that we will be one of these.  We will start with a hospital either in Bantayan or Camotes.  DOST 7 Regional Director Llanto have been very helpful.”

Further, Davide assured that discussions are still being made so the private-public partnership for the Trans-Axial Highway be pushed through as it is a “basic minimum infrastructure demanded by industries.”

Davide said the workshop with the stakeholders is very important since it would be basis for his plans, specifically the priority projects, for his term and even beyond it.

“I urge Civil Society Organizations, Non-government Organizations and Peoples’ Organizations to assume a more active role in this administration.  Pool your resources, police your ranks and partner with us so that we may better serve all Cebuanos,” said Davide.

Apart from Davide, Vice Governor Agnes Magpale and Provincial Board members as well as department heads were present during the summit. Mayors of municipalities and cities of Cebu were also present to participate in the activity.

Senior Country Specialist Joven Balbosa of the Asian Development Bank also spoke to the participants on formulating their plans and pushing for it to be implemented.— (FREEMAN)


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