Special feature - Demonic possession: Real or imaginary?

CEBU, Philippines - Demonic possessions are among the many stories that are told during Halloween and during the observance of All Saints’ and All Souls’ day. Just recently, students from Jaclupan National High School in Talisay City were reported to have been possessed by “evil spirits.” Such events, especially when it strikes schools, are always featured in news reports.

But are these incidents really attacks of “evil spirits” or are they, as men and women of science explain, psychological and mass hysteria?

Satanic possession is defined as a phenomenon when demons and negative energies take control of an individual’s mind and intellect by merging with the person’s consciousness, thus affecting his actions and human abilities.

Msgr. Fred Kriekenbeek, the official exorcist of the Archdiocese of Cebu, who is also the founder and father moderator of Mary’s Little Children Community in Barangay Tabunok, Talisay City, said demonic possessions do exist but acknowledges at the same time that there are people, even church authorities, who do not believe so. He said years of research and incidents prove that possession does occur. “It is in the New Testament,” he added.

He admitted though that he himself initially considered demonic possessions as something to do with psychological issues but his studies eventually led him to believe otherwise and then he learned to ward off evil spirits from persons believed to be possessed. But it is true, he added, that there are cases when the person who is believed to be possessed is acting in such manner because of psychological issues.

Out of thousands of exorcism rites the monsignor has performed, he encountered one such case.

“It happened in Minglanilla, Cebu wherein a young boy who claimed to be possessed was reported to me for exorcism. I let the people out from the room since I did not want company so as not to be biased. After all had gone out, the boy looked around and calmed down. That was the clue for me and I just initiated the conversation, checking if he was hungry or thirsty. I let him eat a sandwich and drink, and then it was done. But that only happened once. Not everything is medical or psychological. Some are really demonic,” he narrated.

Indicators of “real” possession include reactions to sacred objects such as the Crucifix, Holy Water and Oil of Catechumens, the oil used during baptism, and praising God.

Msgr. Kriekenbeek, who has been conducting exorcisms for 50 years already, said his strong faith that the Lord is protecting and defending him gives him strength while performing exorcism rites to drive evil spirits away.

“We come in the name of Jesus and undo the work of  the devil,” he said.

Citing John 8:43, Msgr. Kriekenbeek considered sin, specifically sexual and unconfessed sins, as the major cause and primary entry point of evil spirits into humans.

Common cases of possession are also driven by homosexuality, masturbation, unforgiveness, weak spirituality, ancestral bondage, occult practices, curses, lack of faith and taking refuge from evil sources for good luck, money, health, fortune, healing, knowledge and future that are all considered to be an insult to God.

Demons possess the sinners anywhere especially those places where many had been killed, he said.

Children, he added, are usually the victims of possession since they are more vulnerable than their parents who committed grave sins.He clarified that nature or the presence of trees in a particular area, should not be blamed for posessesions, saying that trees are innocent, unless used as instruments for evil practices.

Depending on the severity of the case, victims of possession who act violently are tied in the hands and feet to prevent him or her from committing any unguarded attack. There are times, however, especially during mild attacks, that Msgr. Kriekenbeek isolates the person who is possessed in a room while he performs the exorcism rites.

He said that the conviction that God had destroyed the power of sin, death and hell in the Cross should be the underlying principle during exorcism. The Cross, he added, is powerful as it is the instrument of the Lord’s victory.

There are, however, hindran-ces to deliverance such as demonic items and occult practices such as amulets and charms. These, he said, gives the devil control over the person who is possessed.

“Sometimes, we don’t know what to do kun di mogawas ang yawa. Di  pud ka magpakita nga nahadlok ka kay mosakay ang kaaway nya mogara ang devil. It’s wrong since maghatag ni og more confidence sa iyaha. Anything that gives him control should be destroyed. Basta believe nga Satan has already been defeated and daog na gyud ang Ginoo,” he said.

When performing exorcism rites, Msgr. Kriekenbeek said that there is no need to talk to the devil or ask his name since demons love publicity and deception.

“That means you will eventually be under his control kay mogara man. Kataw-an lang ka sa yawa kun imo pa siya interview-hon sa iyang pangalan. Nganong dugayan pa man? Diretso na deliverance,” he pointed out.

The worst case of possession he had encountered  involved  a victim who forged a compact with the devil.

“It happened in 1985, she said her name was Petra. While her family was praying the Hail Mary, she commanded them that they have to pray “Maghimaya ka, Petra”. She claimed herself as God and believed she was powerful. This was not an ordinary case. She was then brought to Sto. Rosario Church. What I did was I got the ciborium of the Blessed Sacrament and performed the deliverance. After 5 seconds, nigawas na ang yawa sa iyaha. Ang Ginoo ra gyud atong dangpanan,” he said.

Among Catholics, exorcisms can be performed through public or liturgical rites which can only be conducted by a priest with the permission from the Bishop. These exorcism rites could be accomplished within one to two minutes or could reach to hours when obstacles to deliverance are observed.

In the case of Msgr. Kriekenbeek, he customarily performs the rite by taking the Holy Cross out, placing it on the chest of the victim and speaking “In the name of Jesus, depart” as his prayer of command.

While waiting for the priest or exorcist to arrive when someone has been possessed, he suggests that the family or the persons with the one who is possessed should avoid asking the victim questions, and should rather pray the Holy Rosary, and firmly believe in the power of the Divine Providence.

Victims of possession, he said, should abandon demonic items and evil practices so as not to be taken in control again. “Religiously hold back from temptation, exercise purity and chastity, regularly attend the Holy Mass, follow the commandments of the Lord and be transformed to be good followers of the Savior. Proclaim the Good News and believe in the victory of God. Confess all sins and go back to Him,” he said, to avoid being used by the devil.


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