Ombuds clears Tayud officials of graft raps

CEBU, Philippines - The Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas cleared barangay officials of Tayud Consolacion for administrative complaint filed by a certain Marciana Trangia.

Graft investigator Corazon Arnado-Carillo dismissed for lack of merit the complaint for abuse of authority.

“It appears that respondent barangay captain Blesilda Villo acted on the complaint filed by the complainant with the Office of the Barangay Captain,” the decision reads.

Aside from Villo, other respondents who were cleared from charges were barangay secretary Temoteo Judaya, barangay councilor Nelson Retiza, barangay tanod Bernie Nalandasan and employee Lucille Telebangco.

In her complaint, Trangia said that on January 14, 2011 she filed a complaint before the Office of the Barangay Captain against some tricycle drivers who were drunk while driving.

Instead of acting on her concern, the complainant said, Villo told her he cannot act on the matter because the drivers might get mad at him. However, she was told by Villo to get a complaint form from Judaya.

On February 4, 2011 the complainant added that instead of hearing her complaint Villo shouted at her.

“Get out of here! Are you not going to leave? You must be crazy! If you don’t leave I will have the tanod carry you to the mental hospital!” the complaint reads.

Not contented, she said, Villo told her husband in the presence of other people to choke his wife otherwise he will kill her himself.

In another incident, Trangia said she went to Judaya to submit a request for barangay clearance for a simple subdivision of a parcel of land owned by Xemenia Judaya attaching the endorsement form and a copy of the subdivision plan but the latter allegedly refused to acknowledge.

She added that on February 22, 2011 she returned to the Barangay Hall to follow-up her request but Judaya told her to wait for Retiza. Thereafter, she said, Villo saw her and shouted at her ordering her to leave but she refused.

Villo allegedly ordered Nalandasan to force her to leave.

The following month, she said she went back to the Barangay Hall to follow-up her request and gave the handwritten authorization from Xemenia to Telebangco but the latter told her that she has no authority to get a clearance in behalf of the owner.

Complainant said the actuation of the respondents were only to delay the issuance of the requested barangay endorsement of the simple subdivision plan.

In the joint counter-affidavit of the respondents, they denied the allegations.

They cited that the complainant sought for a barangay clearance for a subdivision plan for a lot which she did not own. They added they were told complainant to secure first a special power of attorney from Xemenia.

Contrary to the statement of Trangia, they said they have acted on her request. They passed a resolution “favorably endorsing the application for simple subdivision lot owned by Xemenia situated at Sitio West Binabag, Barangay Tayud, Consolacion, Cebu .”

As to the issue of the drivers, respondents said they told complainant to settle their issues because she was complaining against her husband and son.

Upon evaluation, Carillo said she found no evidence to prove the allegations of the complainant.

“We give credence to respondents that they did not berate the complainant because if they did, then there would have been several witnesses supporting her claim,” the decision reads.

Carillo added based on record the respondents acted on the request of Trangia. As to the issue of the drivers, she encouraged complainant to settle their family issues. — /JPM (FREEMAN)

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